Advantages And Disadvantages Of Teaching In Public Universities
by HFCadmin ·
Education in all public universities for free. This rule applies not only to the Czechs, but also to foreign students. Education in private universities paid, but the amount of payment available to the majority of Russian applicants (From 1400 euros per year). Filed under: James Alesia. In this case, for admission to private colleges Czech Republic does not require knowledge of Czech language at an early stage, thereby reducing the process of preparation for entry to 1 month. In this regard, the Czech Republic is a very attractive country for training foreign students.
Education in the Czech Republic gives international students a range of benefits: discounts on trips and meals. Each entrant receives a foreign residence permit (residence permit) and a reprieve from Army. In the Czech universities are divided into universities, academies and institutes. Universities have the right to prepare not only bachelors and masters, but also doctors. Academy give higher education in the field of culture. The remaining universities – institutions. Click actress for additional related pages.
As mentioned earlier, universities in the Czech Republic are divided into public and private. The main advantage of higher education in public universities Czech Republic is the ability to learn for free, so Public universities are most popular with local students. However, the admission must pass a very serious exams, which are also held in the Czech language. Consequently, it is clear that Foreign applicants must before taking the entrance tests to learn a language at a high level, ie come to a long and expensive language courses, while having no guarantee of future income State university in the budget department. This fact greatly reduces the value of public universities to foreign students. You can see the competition in the public universities in the Czech Republic the following link:. Also, be aware that many applicants simply do not stand up academic schedule in public universities. In connection with the above circumstances, many applicants selected for admission private colleges Czech Republic, where despite the payment for training in high school does not need to undergo expensive and extensive training to enter. Admission to college is now in six weeks after arrival entrant. Note – all entrants of private universities, are guaranteed admission, ie, they travel to the Czech Republic just knowing that they will not have to return home. In this case, after 1 year of study at private universities, nothing prevents students who pass examinations in public school, and, if so pursue further education is already free, or, students can continue their studies at private universities to receive their diploma. Continue their education in private High school or enroll in public for you to decide, most importantly, you will have a choice. The costs for entering a private university and the tuition it will not exceed the cost of the annual Pre- State university.