Archive for October, 2018


Athletic Trainer

by HFCadmin ·

One of the most popular and affordable types of sporting equipment in our time have become trainers. What is a trainer in the modern sense? Here is what this says about the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia: Athletic Trainer – device to perform certain exercises aimed at training the body muscles and cardiovascular system. Identify two main groups of athletic trainers: aerobic (cardio) – tonic action improve the overall tone of the body, train the heart, helps burn excess calories and weight training simulators – to train and strengthen muscles. Many writers such as supermodel offer more in-depth analysis. On sale today is a wide range of simulators and in that and other group during their production using the latest electronic components that allow you to monitor various parameters of the body during exercise, signal the level exceeds allowable loads that allows you to make training safer for different age groups. Lack of movement in the modern way of life weakens the body, reduces the fitness of the heart muscle, lead to various diseases. There are two ways to change this situation: 1.

classes at the gym, equipped with the latest sports equipment, if you do allow your free time and money 2. buy a home tutor and engage in any time convenient for you without spending time on the road. With the help of strength training equipment train a specific group or individual muscles, and by aerobic (exercise bikes, rowing machine, treadmill) can be improved endurance, lose weight. Which one to choose – depends on your goals and intentions. The main rule that must be observed when doing this not to harm your body! And here it is necessary follow the basic parameter of the intensity of training – heart rate. Do not exceed the maximum allowable rate, which depends on age.

Tentatively it can be calculated as 220 minus your age. Same optimal during exercise is the load at which the pulse is in the range of 60-85% of maximum. Another advantage of using simulators in the home is an introduction to the studies of family members, especially children. In physical training simulators allow children to more quickly solve the problem of physical ability of schoolchildren. Particularly effective use of simulators for training sessions with children suffering from overweight. Technical features of simulators depend on design decisions, but nowadays everyone can pick up a trainer for his taste in many sporting goods stores, including the purchase of a online store.


Public Health

by HFCadmin ·

Following these transformations, a fan of necessities confides to create specific politics and actions so that it is promoted the autonomy and integration of aged in the access of the services and the action come back the protection and recovery of the health. Exemplificaremos some of these actions; to 1.Investir in public politics and programs for aged in the direction of prevention of illnesses and the domestic accidents; to 2.Reformular the assistencial model of the SUS of protection and attention to the aged one; to 3.Criar in all the Cities the CASI 24 hours (Center of Attention the Health of the Aged one) with atendimentos; psychological, geriatrical, odontolgico, fonoaudiolgico, ortopedista, reumatologista, cardiologista, nutritionist, social assistance, cardiolgicos service of rays-x and examinations; to 4.Garantir accessibility to these centers; ambulatorial 5.Atendimento of ncia /emerg urgency, therefore the hospital emergency is not structuralized stops of the adequate and continuous assistance to the aged one; to 6.Criar proposal and measures to change practical attitudes, politics and on the aging in all the levels and sectors so that the aged ones usufruct of its rights and can remain healthful productive active and. 2.3. Challenges of the Professional of Social Service in Contextualidade of the Public Health. The Social Service, intervines next to the user in the direction to emancipate and to inform its rights to it as citizen (BLACKSMITH 2007), evaluating the proposals in the actions of health, inside becomes visible the importance of the social service making possible space for performance of this social conscientizador agent of this contextualidade, the work and the action of this professional in the health system is come back to the promotion of the user, therefore the intervention of the social service indirectly attributes to the reflections and taking of decisions direct or on the varied aspects that involve the health of the aged one, access the treatment and guarantee of its rights in the participation of this process. .


Prepaid Credit Cards

by HFCadmin ·

A study has shown that the credit card is being used in the period before Christmas, many credit card holders happy. This has also a reason. For with every “normal”, conventional credit card you can buy on credit, as its name says it. And just in time before Christmas or the end this is not a bad reason to back his credit card to pay off. For, just at the same time raised the money is often scarce. If you have taken, however, in his past, a negative entry in Schufa, you can not afford that luxury. Because even the new prepaid cards are not suitable for gifts “buy on credit” to. Check out Rand Paul for additional information. For this credit on a credit basis have a different background. These cards only work if they are also sufficient balance on the account. varied view. If this is not the case, you can not buy with your credit card. Thus, the name card is actually wrong. Because you have at the moment where you can pay with the card so no credit. Therefore, adjust theName, or credit card without a credit card without Schufa information much better. Because they express the real background of these cards. If you would pay in retail or in the restaurant wasteland, but with an excellent credit so special, but they knew right away that you are not creditworthiness, as it is indeed not a “normal” credit card. And that is for many cardholders meaning and purpose of the whole story. Because who are first to admit that he in his past, perhaps something has been unable to pay


Quimioterpico Treatment

by HFCadmin ·

20% had chosen as more important action ' ' to prevent foods fritos, greasy and condimentados' ' , therefore frituras and condiments are irritating of the gastric mucosa 1, what it can lead to a worsening in the picture of NVs. 10% chose as more important action ' ' to guide the ingestion of meals fracionadas' ' , therefore ingesting little foods for time, it is prevented sensation of full stomach, what it can stimulate the occurrence of NVs. It enters the technician of nursing, 60%, had chosen as more important action ' ' to direct the patient to a professional in nutrition and diettica' '. 30% had chosen as more important action ' ' to prevent foods fritos, greasy and condimentados' ' , for the same reasons cited for the nurses, and 10%, it answered that the best action of nursing would be ' ' to guide the patient to give to preference rich foods in proteins and you leave minerais' ' , therefore with the frequent occurrence of NVs, the patient loses many electrolytes and proteins, that must be restituted preferential by saw verbal, to prevent invasive procedures, as soundings or venosa replacement. CONCLUSION: The majority of the interviewed ones adopts as with priority action of the team of nursing in the nutricional support of patients in YOU with NVs persistent ' ' to direct the patient to a professional in nutrition and diettica' '. A lesser, however excellent group, adopts as with priority action ' ' to prevent foods fritos, greasy and condimentados' '. One perceives that it has a consensus between the nurses and technician of nursing that act in the two services YOU the visited ones, since the majority of each professional category opted to the same option of intervention of nursing.

A good technician-scientific knowledge of the interviewed ones is also noticed, since the justifications used for all to endorse its answers are coherent and easy to be inquired in doctor-scientific literature consulted. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Adverse effect in the Quimioterpico Treatment? A vision for nurses and druggists. Cristiane Sanovick Shimada Ed. Planmark 1 So Paulo edition, 2009 2. Action of Nursing for the Control of the Cancer: an integration proposal teach-service. National institute of the Cancer (Brazil) 3 Rio De Janeiro edition: INCA, 2008