Posts Tagged ‘home and family’


Independent Mom

by HFCadmin ·

There is no pregnancy alone Who is the independent mom once one of the internet forums, I opened the topic of ‘readiness’ of men to the news of the birth of a baby. There were many responses, they were different. And I took courage to bring these ideas into one article. In my opinion, the majority of men still are not ready for the news of the impending birth of a child. But for some men – it is ‘unexpected and pleasant’, for others – ‘unexpected and unpleasant’ and for the third – in general, anyway. If the behavior of the first category we men, pregnant and postpartum women, of course, and we by and large satisfied with the behavior of the second and third categories is surprisingly mixed with anger and resentment, because a woman’s maternal instinct and laid a woman wants to be ‘mom’ and we do not understand why men do not want to be as ‘dads’.

Of course, that reluctance to be a father, hidden or overt, is not a pleasant feeling. I do not deny that there are women who do not want to experience the joy of motherhood, unfortunately. And I do not deny the fact that not all women are seeing the positive pregnancy test, awesome happy. But there are among us, I hope the minority. Still, the instinct of motherhood is winning. Gunnar Petersons opinions are not widely known. So how about if you stayed alone with his ‘position’? We must, above all, know that you – not the first and, to a great Unfortunately, not the last. And do not think you – future / present a single mother.

You can call themselves simply different – an independent mother. Self-mother – a woman – has a (pending) child – regardless of moral and material (if possible) from the biological father – has the absolute right to take decisions on matters of education – the ability to give the child a family warmth, devoid of the influence of humiliation and guilt before anyone else. For unborn child, who was not born yet, so calm and poise are important moms, so it is important to hear yelling and swearing, so it is important not to worry along with her mother because of what she had to beg and grovel, so it is important not to become child who is not waiting. And the men who are able to ‘give’ the above sense, should be protected fence incredible height and digging a huge ditch that is not his way – though most likely a ‘bio-father’ and will try not to do it. Educate yourself with thoughts from Senator From Kentucky. Release of such a man to enjoy his freedom, which is so not like to share with the little creature. And do not expect that such a man ‘reeducate’, we must count themselves. You want a baby, and you expect it (or have waited!). So let your sadness of loneliness will be easy, and then turn into a huge smile! And your joy – the joy of my mother the very best baby – enough for two. And I want to finish the sentence of a response to the topic: “Pregnant, I’m not the only one!” Health and happiness to you and your baby!



by HFCadmin ·

There are many people naively believe that hookah smoking – a nice harmless fun. Additional information is available at Senator From Kentucky. They come in handy this article, in which all the basic information gathered from various sources. In short – a hookah is dangerous for your health! Harm from The harm of smoking hookah smoking hookah, is it not? And if the harm from smoking a hookah is, how big it is. Disputes on the topic "What is the harm from smoking the hookah," being on the Internet and other media for quite some long. Zealous advocates a healthy lifestyle concern is how strong the harm from smoking a hookah. There can not disturb them, and harm from smoking the hookah-smoking people around them.

Usually it is non-smoking relatives or close friends smoke a hookah lover. Hookah smokers themselves, of course, defend their point of view. They believe that the harm from smoking a hookah is minimal or absent altogether. However, as shown by the few studies on this topic, which recently carried out, the harm from smoking hookah is significant. The harm of smoking hookah smokers should get to think about. It is not only their health harms the smoker of hookah smoking, and health surrounding adults and children and do not necessarily non-smokers. Among smokers, there is an opinion, who hookah smoking is completely harmless pastime companionable, that the harm from smoking hookah contrived ubiquitous champions of healthy lifestyles. This is a misconception that tobacco smoke in hookahs is filtered water, and harm from smoking a hookah is practically reduced to zero compared with the damage from smoking cigarettes.


Adored Pet

by HFCadmin ·

In many homes of our fellow countrymen with you today are true members of the family pets. Dogs and cats are in fact all the more "like men" and cultivated. They – our full-fledged family members, our children, who will continually need our support and protection. And, as usual, for the adorable family members will certainly have to choose only the best. Any tame animal is in according to their own owners completely, and his health, and mood are directly dependent on how effectively we are trying to find the optimal solution for them.

The first thing that you should pay particular attention – is to secure food for dogs. If, in respect of personal diet, we know perfectly well that it is wise to bring order to strengthen the immune system, grow your own hair and fingernails healthy. Same goes for you and our pets. And because we often do not use the natural types of food that a lot of worries on the selection of the best balance of nutrients, medicinal substances and vitamins, and ready-made food, which originally included all required for full health of our favorite items, then to such a selection will need to come with all the care. Buying food from the Happy Dog, Meow Mix, Royal Canin, you can be sure not only that these types of food are bound to be the taste of your animal's own nutritional characteristics, but in addition, and as such, that their recipe will make it possible to maintain full health of the body of your animal, who can always make you happier than a positive state of mind, dense fur and a great state of clove.

And, of course, an excellent digestive process. And by the way for different breeds of dogs and cats just the digestive system becomes weak point, and the types of food must be provided and prepared for such of our animals, whose digestive system will need to be thin supervision. In addition, feed Happy Dog and Royal Canin are different and the widest assortment of all kinds of flavors that will surely please even the most finicky pets, and along with their owners. Because it can not be nothing more pleasant, like to see how your pet is really rad. Selecting a sturdy species feed, then just need to find a place to actually find real products of selected companies. Often is – internet shops. That's where you can find everything you need for your pets – and conventional, and medicinal types of feed, and fillers for the cats, and vitamins and numerous others. And while you positively amaze prices, which separated from the parallel spending on the economic content of stores, the wages of employees and so on. Referring to an online store, you'll still be able to not think about how to transport the selected food and toiletries fillers: Delivery workers are also able to do an online store. Pick up for themselves and their pets the best quality!


Labrador Retriever

by HFCadmin ·

Basic requirements for candidates: stable psyche, pedigree (as the court-terrier named Kuzma, Pribluda and dunce, has toured annually in our apartment in the winter), the average size, weight category – up to 35 kg, loyalty to the offspring. In casting were: Labrador Retriever, Dalmatian and female Malinois. Judging by the selection of candidates, we do not particularly know what they wanted. About existence of a Shar-Pei we somehow forgotten because of their rarity and the estimated high cost of the puppy. Living in a city apartment, busy at work, presence in the house of two poorly managed facilities in the form of children superimposed serious limitations in the choice of breed. Selected projects in all possessed undeniable advantages, in our opinion, one shortcoming – the need for long walks for the dogs should exercise. Not come to a consensus, we have been, postponed the acquisition of dogs to the best of times.

And then it broke "his majesty – Case." I learned about the existence of the kennel shar-pei "Shat Shyun and met with Olga Puginsky-Zvereva. As it turned out, the rumors about the rarity and high cost of mad dogs of this breed have been greatly exaggerated. After a two-way exchange of questions and answers I was made an invitation to visit the nursery. It remains only to go and choose the puppy. So what do we get the output? Shar-Pei – Dog imposing form, medium size, weighs about 25 kg of wool that does not require any maintenance, with a strong nervous system, absolutely fearless and imperturbable, very loving his family.



by HFCadmin ·

In our life everything has a meaning, everything operates according to certain laws. Including the relationships between people. That sometimes zaglyanesh some communities, listen to people in everyday life, and see how many problems in humans occurs in relationships, how much conflict arises over trivial matters, how many mistakes lead to quarrels, family breakdown, misunderstanding, tragedy, depression. And if you get to the core of everything that happens, you realize that stumble on the little things in ordinary things, lacks basic knowledge and skills, people often simply can not understand what it differently, do not know the simple rules of communication. Looking through the stats on your site search queries, I am surprised (and shocked at the same time) that many young people do not know how to talk to girls like herself to them, and there is even a problem with how to meet a girl in a social network. It very seriously, and this is a consequence of the fact that no one at all is not engaged at the appropriate level in order to teach children to communicate – by parents that once, you do not know, school children a head clog encyclopedic knowledge and often completely unnecessary, and as a result children are not the most important thing yieldeth (communication, personal development and life values in orintirovaniyu and direction in life) and go in life as bare hand under the tanks. But here the most interesting.

After all, we consider ourselves the most intelligent, and do not like it when we are taught. Us, especially in adolescence, everything seems clear, we think that we do is always right, we are all clear and understandable, but just problems not become less. As one sage put it – 'Every man is wise in his own eyes. " Yes, we are always intelligent and wise in his own eyes, and think that everything is not properly received, and we do not understand. But why not turn to look themselves and do not grasp the essence of communication, relationships, general principles of life? As I said, we think we are right, but life often shows the opposite, when there are problems in the family, relationships, simply by living. Even statistics shows that second marriages are more sturdy than the first.

Why? Yes, perhaps all life posbivala arrogance and learn to appreciate the right things and do not stamp on rake and his, and others. Or maybe do not have to wait until the thunder clap, and stands in the beginning to learn the rules of communication, relationships, life? There is a feeling that people do not care, and begin to delve into it only when it is a lot of problems, mangled heap of firewood, and chtobdy somehow rectify the situation start looking for a way out. I remember as a child, we had one friend, and when he said: 'I obey their parents, they give advice, and they're good', we laughed at him, saying what a fool, senior listening. As a result, he is now a doctor and lives in Germany, and those who laughed at him, and live normal, dull life. And that is what I have it all – it might be worth not wait until the time comes serious and act on pre-emption – to learn and delve into yourself? SOULLIFE.INFO