Pregnancy Bleeding
by HFCadmin ·
Spontaneous miscarriage – this is an extremely serious complication of pregnancy, which occurs in the early stages pregnancy and usually begins with the bleeding. Bleeding, indicating incipient abortion, may be small and painless. However, it does not stop after a short time, but continues increase in the intensity and the accompanying discomfort. Spontaneous miscarriage occurs in several stages: threatening miscarriage, started a miscarriage, abortion in progress, incomplete and full of spontaneous miscarriage. Difference between these stages is just the intensity of bleeding and the presence of pain. When threatened miscarriage bleeding from the genital tract pregnant are extremely scarce in nature, the pain usually absent or manifested aching sensations in the abdomen.
Uterus at the same time has not yet changed, and with the active and timely treatment can save the pregnancy. Started miscarriage is characterized by slow bleeding cramping pain character. The cervix at this stage of miscarriage may already be slightly shortened, while the outer mouth slightly opened. Status of women in this case remains satisfactory and, if properly administered treatment may continuation of the pregnancy. If omitted, and this time, it is almost impossible to maintain pregnancy, and in addition, severe bleeding during abortion in progress calls for urgent hospitalization in which performed curettage of the uterine cavity, with compensation of blood loss, depending on its size and status of women. Spotting for incomplete abortion are significant, are usually dark-red color, they can notice clots. Bleeding accompanied by labor-pains in the abdomen.
Emergency care is scraping the uterus, removing remnants of fetal eggs; compensation of blood loss, depending on its volume and condition of the woman. If there was a complete miscarriage, the bleeding there, because fertilized egg is completely separated from the uterus. The only thing to do in this case the doctor is to scraping the cavity uterus to there remained a part of ovum. Spontaneous abortions, as sadly, are fairly common cause of uterine bleeding during pregnancy. Another reason bleeding during pregnancy may be ectopic pregnancy, ie a situation in which the fertilized egg is not fixed in the body of the uterus, and tubes or cervix. Unobserved time ectopic pregnancy can lead to rupture of the cervix and even death. Therefore, at the first sign of sickness (bleeding from the genital organs, combined with subjective signs of pregnancy: toxicosis, engorgement of the mammary glands, etc.) should immediately contact a doctor. However, note that bleeding, indicative of an ectopic pregnancy occurs when a woman does not know about the pregnancy at all. So that the bleeding pregnancy, this situation can be attributed quite arbitrarily. Based on inspection, testing and ultrasound diagnosis of a doctor immediately determine whether there is inflammation, which could cause bleeding as the pregnancy proceeds, there is a threat miscarriage. With proper and timely treatment of many complications are avoided, our doctors are always trying to preserve the pregnancy, even at very early dates.