Archive for January, 2012



by HFCadmin ·

Feel free to move the secondary classes in the resulting gap and enjoy a useful activity – exercise. Next time, when this period of time to allocate? In the morning, not everyone can get up early, after work – very tired, and want to eat, as well as singing, something about the occupation sports, and speech can not be. My advice – choose the time for physical exercise after work. But that would preydya, home, instead of playing sports did not begin to absorb food, snack on the way home, "perebeyte 'appetite fast food. In this case, the problem of fast food, it is to kill your appetite. By the way, here's a good article on this topic – How useful fast food.

And now preydya, home you already eat is not much want and can devote time to the sport. While hunger is not the main problem many people are so tired at work, at home just tumbled to the ground, what do you do? In this case, we can help sports nutritional supplements – ENERGY. The beauty of these additives is that they stimulate your body, pushing the tired for later. Energy can elevate mood and desire to play sports, so that should a beginner in the early stages. Energy does not give you energy, and include your back-up power and that's good. All of them have the same active ingredient – or caffeine, or herbal stimulant, and differ only in packaging, price, as well as flavors and dyes.


Issues of the Intestine

by HFCadmin ·

Due to large amounts of Giardia and rapid propagation of the intestine, especially in poor nutrition, dramatically changed the microbial landscape of the intestine. In the first case there are bacteria and fungi, which normally does not happen in the gut in normal conditions and which, in turn, stimulate the reproduction of the protozoa. In the second version of the sharply reduced number of E. coli, bifidumbacteria, lactobacilli, ensuring the normal process of digestion and suction. Numerous studies show that young children (up to 3 years) often have the first option, the senior dominated the second option. Very often when giardiasis is a dyskinesia hepatobiliary system and intestines. It is believed that the disease giardiasis is the most common cause of dyskinesia of the gallbladder with spasm and atony of the papillary sphincter, and the phenomena of cholestasis, particularly in the the first year of illness.

(K. Stoyanov et al.). Based on the literature and our own long-term observations of patients with lyabliozami, one could argue that in the last decade everywhere, especially in the Urals and Western Siberia, with a constant impact of adverse environmental factors and high radiation background, dramatically altering the body's resistance and reactance, created conditions for amplification of the pathogenic Giardia influence on all body systems. If you previously expressed an opinion on Giardia infection (lyamblionositelstvo), suggesting adaptation of the human organism to the parasite without damaging its effects (Vzaimososuschestvovanie type of symbiosis), in the present conditions of an acute decrease in immunity, organ and tissue disorders under the influence of harmful environmental factors (air and water, food, etc.) should lamblia regarded as one of the most important damaging factors leading to the formation of endogenous intoxication with a variety of clinical, metabolic and immune disorders. The sequence of the main links pathogenesis of intestinal, hepatobiliary and mixed forms of giardiasis can be represented as follows: – trauma Giardia intestinal mucosa and bile ducts – changes in the cell in the tissues affected biohimizma sections of the digestive system and the inclusion of stress-activating factors to the development of metabolic proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, – damage to the tissues of the duodenum, small intestine, bile ducts, liver development atrophy of the mucous membranes, the formation of microabscesses, etc. – changing microbial landscape of the intestine – the enzyme deficiency and worsening disturbance of the process of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – the development process malabsorption – the development of motor-evacuation disorders of the biliary system and intestine, the formation of persistent dyskinesias – reducing production of secretory immunoglobulin-d, the depletion of immunity – the accumulation of products dismetabolizma due to the decay of waste products of protozoa. As a result of long-term presence of Giardia in the body, especially at a reduced immune defense that can limit their reproduction, is formed chronic syndrome of endogenous intoxication, causing damage to almost all organs and body systems. Giardiasis also very dangerous consequences for its people who have suffered any acute viral infection digestive tract, or suffering from duodenal ulcer. In the first case can be complicated by the negative consequences of infection, while the second – could increase ulcer itself. Clinical symptoms. On