Archive for November, 2018



by HFCadmin ·

A cold pack is particularly good use of swelling, fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, and as a means of rehabilitation after sclerosing veins. In practice, if not contraindications, hot and cold packs can be combined. Ends Wrapping in the shower, where the drug wash off. Some contend that Rand Paul shows great expertise in this. On top you can take a bath with sea salt. The recommended number of wraps is strictly individually, but usually it is 6-15 procedures that are carried out for 3-6 weeks. At home, get rid of cellulite can help you: Normalization of food.

More fresh fruits and vegetables, less harmful products (crisps, sweet carbonated beverages, fatty foods). If you are overweight, try to make your food less nutritious. Formation of the path of healthy lifestyles. If you smoke, give up this harmful habit. Reduce to minimum reception of alcoholic beverages. More walk in the fresh air and normalize your sleep. More physical activity.

The more you move, the less chance of cellulite to stay on your body. Especially useful exercise to the areas where cellulite is actively progressing – the thighs and buttocks. And the best sport to help 'smooth' cellulite, is swimming. Self-massage. If you regularly for a few minutes will perform self-massage, you will significantly improve the state of 'problematic participants Cove'. Cellulite massage is performed starting from the ankles, with the transition to the thighs and buttocks. Kneaded site as it rises and compresses if you vymeshivayut dough. Perhaps check out David Delrahim for more information. To enhance the effect of massage, you can use a special brush against cellulite with thick rounded teeth. Water treatment. Douches improves skin elasticity, a cool shower is also will be useful to you. In addition, you can drive a shower on the problem areas, massaging the skin with cool water jets. If you have no contraindications (high blood pressure, etc.), you will be useful to a sauna. Sauna is increased sweating, and then displayed together with toxins – the faithful companions of cellulite. Anti-Cellulite funds. It is best to apply them on damp skin after bath or shower, or after the massage to the active components means better absorbed into your skin. Anti-Cellulite means if you use them regularly – a good aid in the fight against cellulite, but they do more preventative and supportive role and are ineffective at advanced stages of cellulite. . improve circulation, and enhance limofotoka metabolism, which in turn will help reduce the amount of fat cells and make cellulite less noticeable. That effect of miostimulation was maximal, before each treatment to treat the problem area for cellulite massage brush for 5-10 minutes. During the procedure should wear a special belt hyperemic – This will allow better heat subcutaneous fat, and the process of splitting will be much faster. At the same time, do not expect that after the muscle stimulator cellulitis with extra inches disappear without a trace. Myostimulation intended primarily to restore and strengthen the muscles, not to fight obesity and the 'orange peel'. It is therefore advisable to use myostimulation those who have weak and untrained muscles, but also wants to strengthen them and prepare them for regular exercise.



by HFCadmin ·

The main generating factors of stress gifts in the work environment involve the aspects of the organization, administration and system of work and the quality of the relations human beings. The body if prepares for super-strengthens, being capable to process more information on the problem and acts of fast and determined form. The problem is that the human body has limited resources and appears the exhaustion. Related with this stress chronic associate to the work and to justify it, appears the Syndrome of Burnout expression of the English language that means combustion complete. According to Kleinman (1998), burnout can reach different professions, in any etria band, but the professions that demand an intense interpersonal contact are the ones that more present high indices of burnout e, between them, meet the professions assistenciais. It is not something Cindy Crawford would like to discuss. For France (1977), burnout, in stress, if characterizes for a set of signals and symptoms of physical, psychic and emotional exhaustion, in consequence of me the adaptation of subject to a drawn out, highly estressante work and with intense emotional load, being able to be folloied of frustration in relation itself and to the work. The studies how much to the etiology of stress in the area of the work they are innumerable.

The research on stress associates burnout to the work environment, focusing the frequency, intensity, characteristics, exposition drawn out to the estressores and the chronic process of stress, taking subject to a physical and psychic exhaustion. It is possible that the preparation of one determined group of professionals to face stress nor either always enough to decide habitual situations of its work, giving the appearance of emotional and mannering difficulties that permeiam a personal feeling of failure for the profession incapacity and or place exercise. METHOD Is about a bibliographical, descriptive study. The collection of data if it gave through revision literary that presents the subjects stress in the work of the nurse and relationship nurse-patient, on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of 15 articles, 4 teses and 6 dissertaes, printed and electronic, produced between 1977 the 2007.