Archive for September, 2011


Three Short Thoughts

by HFCadmin ·

The more has to go to realize that our steps lead us to certain disaster as a civilization. War, famine, corruption, hatred and sin … How many more have to give up without trying one more day? How many more have to kill their wives? How many more have to climb on top of a crane in a simple act of desperation? When will there be justice for the worker, for the teacher to the nurse, he works for a multinational that does not want to forty hours? Ensorbecidos all selfish we just fill our cupboards and refrigerators without sending more aid to poor … The poor, the sick, the elderly who can not afford their medications, abused children, pregnant girls, abortions … Anyway, time vanishes us of our hands and do not take the matter seriously.

Propose Brother, I now propose to make a difference. I urge you to make our country one as God has always wanted. Today is the day, now is the time to put all old root of bitterness behind. Puerto Rico may stand up and be free of vice and fratricidal routine which we are accustomed to politicians. Do not wait for them … Let's do our part and teach that our humility is more effective and eloquent. Humility is a virtue, not a weakness Hostos said. Let us and imitate the example of those who deserve our admiration.

Betances, Marti, Bolivar, Ghandy, Albizu, De Diego, Mother Teresa, Sister Isolina to name some names. Sublime all distinguished by humility, simplicity and freedom of the soul. Jesus Christ the greatest of all … Yes, that is my guide, this is like saying Puerto Ricans, My buddy. Loving each day is difficult to find, I know. But … Is there anything too hard for God? When the Lord Alarcon Tablitas understand the need of my brother, then I could see how convenient it is a helping hand. S. Alarcon Looking for the good of our fellows, we found ours. Plato Love one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. Romans 12:10 Every day when tuning part. Let's start today, do not leave for tomorrow. Since when do not you tell your wife that you love him? Do you play with your children? When this CD is going to leave for another occasion and you spend more time with the family? Finally, there is so much we could do if we put ourselves in God's hands, if we have faith in Him and in our ability to be a better country, a nation of truth. In the words of Christ: Love one another as I have loved you … Lord's Tablitas


Woman Mother

by HFCadmin ·

Only twice a year – during autumn and spring equinox, she remembers the past. The day the water level is rising by 10 meters! Woman Mother rescued in the village tells a legend about a woman who in the last month of pregnancy went on a pilgrimage to Mont Saint-Michel. When the French came to the shore of the bay, I saw ahead of close and at the same time such a distant silhouette of the mountains. She walked across the sands, but the force with every step melted like snow in the sun. Suddenly there arose a great wind, tide. It would seem that even a moment and wave her head – Unhappy realized that dies and prepared before his death: lay on the sand, begging the Mother of God for salvation – as described in the legend. – And a miracle happened: the sea closed around women, but high waves did not even touched it, and formed something like a water tower.

Remaining within this klekochuschego whirlpool, a Frenchwoman gave birth to a boy. When the sea receded, the woman dubbed the baby with salt water. The fishermen of Saint-Michel went to look for a woman's body. So, how great was their surprise when they found "dead" unscathed, but still holding a baby! In memory of the miracle that occurred in 1011, the then rector of the abbey Gildeber ordered to the Bay a huge cross. He long stood among the sand and waves, while the sea is not already engulfed him Archangel appeared in the third road to the Mont Saint-Michel, of the "heavenly Jerusalem on Earth" begins from the gates of Port Advances.


Difficulty Maturation

by HFCadmin ·

Circulatory disturbances in the cortical zones of any location can leave traces of a lifetime, if the child could not recover on their own. Agree that parents and pediatricians and neonatal difficult to understand that hypoxic changes in the parietal area may respond to the complexities of setting and achieving goals ("goal setting") at certain stages of development. Proven fact that the transferred ischemia in line with striate arteries of the right hemisphere of the brain contributes to a susceptibility to depression, as hardly known to the public. Attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, emotional-volitional disorders, convulsive reaction , incorrect posture, delayed speech development, impaired sleep formula You can go on forever, but it might be better to see a specialist? What is the meaning advice neurologist? Evaluating a complex all the information about pregnancy, stage of labor, ultrasound picture of the infant's brain, the data is an objective examination of the neurologist can not only identify those hidden from conventional views to be trouble in the maturation or the restoration of brain structures, but also predict the difficulty in forming certain functions in the absence of proper treatment. If the prescribed treatment? Treatment of any lesions of the nervous system is most effective in infants under 1 year of age. Up to 2 years of life the brain the child will grow in volume by 2,5 times. Timely appointment of drugs that stabilize the intracranial pressure, improve metabolism in the nerve cell and activate the maturation and the restoration of the affected neurons.