
Woman Mother

by HFCadmin ·

Only twice a year – during autumn and spring equinox, she remembers the past. The day the water level is rising by 10 meters! Woman Mother rescued in the village tells a legend about a woman who in the last month of pregnancy went on a pilgrimage to Mont Saint-Michel. When the French came to the shore of the bay, I saw ahead of close and at the same time such a distant silhouette of the mountains. She walked across the sands, but the force with every step melted like snow in the sun. Suddenly there arose a great wind, tide. It would seem that even a moment and wave her head – Unhappy realized that dies and prepared before his death: lay on the sand, begging the Mother of God for salvation – as described in the legend. – And a miracle happened: the sea closed around women, but high waves did not even touched it, and formed something like a water tower.

Remaining within this klekochuschego whirlpool, a Frenchwoman gave birth to a boy. When the sea receded, the woman dubbed the baby with salt water. The fishermen of Saint-Michel went to look for a woman's body. So, how great was their surprise when they found "dead" unscathed, but still holding a baby! In memory of the miracle that occurred in 1011, the then rector of the abbey Gildeber ordered to the Bay a huge cross. He long stood among the sand and waves, while the sea is not already engulfed him Archangel appeared in the third road to the Mont Saint-Michel, of the "heavenly Jerusalem on Earth" begins from the gates of Port Advances.


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