by HFCadmin ·
In our life everything has a meaning, everything operates according to certain laws. Including the relationships between people. That sometimes zaglyanesh some communities, listen to people in everyday life, and see how many problems in humans occurs in relationships, how much conflict arises over trivial matters, how many mistakes lead to quarrels, family breakdown, misunderstanding, tragedy, depression. And if you get to the core of everything that happens, you realize that stumble on the little things in ordinary things, lacks basic knowledge and skills, people often simply can not understand what it differently, do not know the simple rules of communication. Looking through the stats on your site search queries, I am surprised (and shocked at the same time) that many young people do not know how to talk to girls like herself to them, and there is even a problem with how to meet a girl in a social network. It very seriously, and this is a consequence of the fact that no one at all is not engaged at the appropriate level in order to teach children to communicate – by parents that once, you do not know, school children a head clog encyclopedic knowledge and often completely unnecessary, and as a result children are not the most important thing yieldeth (communication, personal development and life values in orintirovaniyu and direction in life) and go in life as bare hand under the tanks. But here the most interesting.
After all, we consider ourselves the most intelligent, and do not like it when we are taught. Us, especially in adolescence, everything seems clear, we think that we do is always right, we are all clear and understandable, but just problems not become less. As one sage put it – 'Every man is wise in his own eyes. " Yes, we are always intelligent and wise in his own eyes, and think that everything is not properly received, and we do not understand. But why not turn to look themselves and do not grasp the essence of communication, relationships, general principles of life? As I said, we think we are right, but life often shows the opposite, when there are problems in the family, relationships, simply by living. Even statistics shows that second marriages are more sturdy than the first.
Why? Yes, perhaps all life posbivala arrogance and learn to appreciate the right things and do not stamp on rake and his, and others. Or maybe do not have to wait until the thunder clap, and stands in the beginning to learn the rules of communication, relationships, life? There is a feeling that people do not care, and begin to delve into it only when it is a lot of problems, mangled heap of firewood, and chtobdy somehow rectify the situation start looking for a way out. I remember as a child, we had one friend, and when he said: 'I obey their parents, they give advice, and they're good', we laughed at him, saying what a fool, senior listening. As a result, he is now a doctor and lives in Germany, and those who laughed at him, and live normal, dull life. And that is what I have it all – it might be worth not wait until the time comes serious and act on pre-emption – to learn and delve into yourself? SOULLIFE.INFO