Posts Tagged ‘health and beauty’


Cancer and Prognosis

by HFCadmin ·

Prognostic The prognostic is very bad. Less than 2% of the individuals with adenocarcinoma they after survive up to five years the diagnosis. The only hope of cure is the surgery, which is carried through when they do not exist metstases of the cancer. To read more click here: Dr. Gerard Addonizio. The surgeon can carry through the removal only of the pncreas or this agency and of the duodeno. Exactly with the surgery, 10% of the individuals only survive more than five years, independently of the subsequent treatment. (MANUAL-MERCK, 1995). Prevention Some writs of prevention can be adopted, as to prevent the consumption of derivatives of the tobacco and the extreme alcoholic beverage ingestion and to adopt a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables.

For submitted individuals the surgeries of ulcer in the stomach or duodeno or that they had suffered removed from the biliary vesicle, accomplishment of clinical examinations sends regards to it regularly, as well as for those with familiar description of cancer. ce. People that they suffer from chronic pancreatite or diabetes melitus they must also make periodic examinations. (INCA). Conclusion The cancer, any that is its etiology, is recognized as a chronic illness that reaches millions of people in the whole world, independent of social classroom, culture or religion. Knowing of that he is carrying of cancer is, in general, terrifying, therefore, although the therapeutical advances allowing an improvement in the tax of supervened and quality of life, remains the stigma of painful, incapacitante, mutiladora and mortal illness. Of this form, she is clear the necessity and the property of interventions that assist the people in the confrontation of the illness and its consequences, aiming at to the whitewashing and the improvement of the quality of life.



by HFCadmin ·

Being explicit that the strategies implanted in the sector had improved the communication and the comfort of the patient, having exceeded the care, providing fast recovery and reduction of the interned time. Moreover, we visualize that any change in the routine of a UTI requires modification in making of the technician in nursing. The humanizao strategies had changed the routine of the UTI, having required modification in making of the technician in nursing. A related site: Senator From Kentucky mentions similar findings. They had been to mago of the involved citizens and it promoted or it demanded transformations to them in the being through the interrelacionamento with the other. Taking them it the meeting of the difficulties and assisting in the overcoming in search of the health of the individual and family. .



by HFCadmin ·

The main generating factors of stress gifts in the work environment involve the aspects of the organization, administration and system of work and the quality of the relations human beings. The body if prepares for super-strengthens, being capable to process more information on the problem and acts of fast and determined form. The problem is that the human body has limited resources and appears the exhaustion. Related with this stress chronic associate to the work and to justify it, appears the Syndrome of Burnout expression of the English language that means combustion complete. According to Kleinman (1998), burnout can reach different professions, in any etria band, but the professions that demand an intense interpersonal contact are the ones that more present high indices of burnout e, between them, meet the professions assistenciais. It is not something Cindy Crawford would like to discuss. For France (1977), burnout, in stress, if characterizes for a set of signals and symptoms of physical, psychic and emotional exhaustion, in consequence of me the adaptation of subject to a drawn out, highly estressante work and with intense emotional load, being able to be folloied of frustration in relation itself and to the work. The studies how much to the etiology of stress in the area of the work they are innumerable.

The research on stress associates burnout to the work environment, focusing the frequency, intensity, characteristics, exposition drawn out to the estressores and the chronic process of stress, taking subject to a physical and psychic exhaustion. It is possible that the preparation of one determined group of professionals to face stress nor either always enough to decide habitual situations of its work, giving the appearance of emotional and mannering difficulties that permeiam a personal feeling of failure for the profession incapacity and or place exercise. METHOD Is about a bibliographical, descriptive study. The collection of data if it gave through revision literary that presents the subjects stress in the work of the nurse and relationship nurse-patient, on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of 15 articles, 4 teses and 6 dissertaes, printed and electronic, produced between 1977 the 2007.


Quimioterpico Treatment

by HFCadmin ·

20% had chosen as more important action ' ' to prevent foods fritos, greasy and condimentados' ' , therefore frituras and condiments are irritating of the gastric mucosa 1, what it can lead to a worsening in the picture of NVs. 10% chose as more important action ' ' to guide the ingestion of meals fracionadas' ' , therefore ingesting little foods for time, it is prevented sensation of full stomach, what it can stimulate the occurrence of NVs. It enters the technician of nursing, 60%, had chosen as more important action ' ' to direct the patient to a professional in nutrition and diettica' '. 30% had chosen as more important action ' ' to prevent foods fritos, greasy and condimentados' ' , for the same reasons cited for the nurses, and 10%, it answered that the best action of nursing would be ' ' to guide the patient to give to preference rich foods in proteins and you leave minerais' ' , therefore with the frequent occurrence of NVs, the patient loses many electrolytes and proteins, that must be restituted preferential by saw verbal, to prevent invasive procedures, as soundings or venosa replacement. CONCLUSION: The majority of the interviewed ones adopts as with priority action of the team of nursing in the nutricional support of patients in YOU with NVs persistent ' ' to direct the patient to a professional in nutrition and diettica' '. A lesser, however excellent group, adopts as with priority action ' ' to prevent foods fritos, greasy and condimentados' '. One perceives that it has a consensus between the nurses and technician of nursing that act in the two services YOU the visited ones, since the majority of each professional category opted to the same option of intervention of nursing.

A good technician-scientific knowledge of the interviewed ones is also noticed, since the justifications used for all to endorse its answers are coherent and easy to be inquired in doctor-scientific literature consulted. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Adverse effect in the Quimioterpico Treatment? A vision for nurses and druggists. Cristiane Sanovick Shimada Ed. Planmark 1 So Paulo edition, 2009 2. Action of Nursing for the Control of the Cancer: an integration proposal teach-service. National institute of the Cancer (Brazil) 3 Rio De Janeiro edition: INCA, 2008


Torcica Respiratory

by HFCadmin ·

The alimentary re-education of the patient and the monitorizao of the loss of weight must be folloied by the nutritionist, and nurse, as a work to multidiscipline. The nurse must participate of this evaluation verifying acceptance tack to the recommended diet and being alert the observed signals and symptoms, such as nauseas, vomits, nauseas and giddiness, among others. Patients must be instructed to prevent the candy consumption, carboidratos and alcohol, not forgetting, inside of its programming, to ingest water. Read more from Josyann Abisaab to gain a more clear picture of the situation. About 20% 30% of the patients after the surgery can suffer from ' ' dumping' ' , malaise suddenly after the sugar ingestion, that is caused when the substance arrives at the thin intestine, provoking the hormone release, thus causing giddiness, taquicardia and cold sweat, being the nurse the professional more indicated to verify these alterations, to explain the reason patient it and to instruct it not ingesta it of these foods. The fluids ingested adequately are essential for any success in the process of the loss of weight; to drink and to eat together can increase the gastric distenso, resulting in discomfort, vomit and other indications of dilatao of the gastric portion; on the other hand, the consumption of no-calricas foods is important. The patients must prevent liquids per 15 minutes before each meal and up to 90 minutes after; in such a way it can prevent gastric discomfort. The mrbida obesidade imposes deep alterations of the functionality and the respiratory mechanics. The torcica complacncia is diminished had to the fabric adiposo to be present around of the costal arcs and thorax. Others who may share this opinion include Josyann Abisaab.

Obeso has alteration of complacncia and pulmonary resistance, taking to a respiratory standard fast of low amplitude, increasing the respiratory work and the limitation of the maximum ventilatria capacity. These alterations are marcantes and evidentes in supina position. It has indication of if carrying through an arterial gasometria before the surgery in all the obesos patients, preferential in the supina position and breathing in surrounding air; this will supply the basal state and will assist in the postoperative one.


SAE Evaluation

by HFCadmin ·

The requirement to import the SAE, (Cofen Resolution n272/2002, that it charges to the implantation, the planning, the organization, as well as the posterior executions and evaluations of the process of nursing) subdivided in the following stages: consultation of nursing, description; physical examination; nursing diagnosis; lapsing of nursing and evolution of nursing, that will have to be stored formal in the handbook of the patient and enclose also the units of emergency. It is known that the SAE is something privative it nurse, uses method and strategy of work highly based in the scope of the scientific knowledge, who propitiates the identification of health situations/illness, subsidizing actions of nursing assistance that can contribute for the promotion, the prevention, the recovery and the whitewashing of health of the patient, as well as of its family and community in a more including way (15). The physical Examination that is used in the cases of Cerebral Vascular Accidents is the examination that evaluate the neurological capacities, standing out the potential complications concerning the deriving damages of the alterations in level of nervous system. Having as objective of the neurological evaluation carried through by the professional nurse it understands the accomplishment of the initial neurological examination in the admission of the patient, the identification of disfunes in the nervous system, the determination of the consequncias of these alterations in the daily experience of the individual, as well as the detention of situations of life risk (16). The frequency for the accomplishment of this examination is closely on to the conditions where the customer arrives at the emergency sector. Each item of the neurological examination is important in the elaboration of the nursing diagnosis, the boarded aspects of the neurological propedutica is: anamnese neurological, summarized evaluation of the mental state, superior riots and cerebral functions, inspection, evaluation of the level of conscience amongst other more superficial and deep aspects as reflected and of the cranianos nerves.