
Public Health

by HFCadmin ·

Following these transformations, a fan of necessities confides to create specific politics and actions so that it is promoted the autonomy and integration of aged in the access of the services and the action come back the protection and recovery of the health. Exemplificaremos some of these actions; to 1.Investir in public politics and programs for aged in the direction of prevention of illnesses and the domestic accidents; to 2.Reformular the assistencial model of the SUS of protection and attention to the aged one; to 3.Criar in all the Cities the CASI 24 hours (Center of Attention the Health of the Aged one) with atendimentos; psychological, geriatrical, odontolgico, fonoaudiolgico, ortopedista, reumatologista, cardiologista, nutritionist, social assistance, cardiolgicos service of rays-x and examinations; to 4.Garantir accessibility to these centers; ambulatorial 5.Atendimento of ncia /emerg urgency, therefore the hospital emergency is not structuralized stops of the adequate and continuous assistance to the aged one; to 6.Criar proposal and measures to change practical attitudes, politics and on the aging in all the levels and sectors so that the aged ones usufruct of its rights and can remain healthful productive active and. 2.3. Challenges of the Professional of Social Service in Contextualidade of the Public Health. The Social Service, intervines next to the user in the direction to emancipate and to inform its rights to it as citizen (BLACKSMITH 2007), evaluating the proposals in the actions of health, inside becomes visible the importance of the social service making possible space for performance of this social conscientizador agent of this contextualidade, the work and the action of this professional in the health system is come back to the promotion of the user, therefore the intervention of the social service indirectly attributes to the reflections and taking of decisions direct or on the varied aspects that involve the health of the aged one, access the treatment and guarantee of its rights in the participation of this process. .


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