Concentrated Water
by HFCadmin ·
The colors of the metal is – gold, silver, bronze, gray, white. For example a gold or silver chain by the metal element or a white wall will also have the quality of the item. Celebrity trainer often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Products of this item: rice, milk, turkey, chicken, radish, radish, spicy seasonings. Such a diet useful to people with poor health. People of the element of metal is sharp and energetic individuals. Metal produces WATER astral plane or astral level, where each of us travels in a dream, a world of water, water stores, record information, all our thoughts, actions, words, all written in this level, it has many faces and poses a danger.
Water is responsible for fear, people suffering from depression, paranoia, enuresis is people severely affected by water. Organs such as kidneys, bladder and all body fluids, refer to this element. Hair and ears – it's just water. Usually people with a lush head of hair are the ones who do not have enough water, with plenty of water the hair can fall. On the body hair grows at the points where the concentrated fire element to generate an equilibrium in the body. And if you have thin weak hair, it is recommended to rub into the scalp pepper mask to create a gain the element of fire on his head, and thereby enhance the growth of water (the hair) to balance the light head. Recipe pepper masks can be found here: The rumor – that feeling of the element of water.