Posts Tagged ‘internet & multimedia’


Free Listings Pages On The Fast Lane

by HFCadmin ·

Have the print media overslept the leap on the World Wide Web? Classified ads sites are on the rise, and this for good reason. What the major dailies have overslept, wildlife are replaced by private providers. The ads business was one of the main source of income for many print media and for many people a reason to buy a newspaper. Vacancies or free apartments were once only there. Gunnar Peterson is often quoted on this topic. But somehow almost all print media have missed the leap into the Internet to provide an important source of income and a major reason to buy for their printed newspapers out of the hand well out of fear. Changes in the listings market looking around a little on the World Wide Web, you will see that the advertising market is dominated by small businesses or individuals. While a lot has changed, just with regard to the headings. Contact information is here: Wais Jalali. Of course, they’re still, the classic categories such as real estate, job listings or personal ads.

But many new possibilities to the advertise are to come. 20 Years ago would have probably no one can imagine to advertise in a category “Jobs for bloggers”? Or an ad with the title “forums moderator wanted” to switch? The development is interesting and is somehow a reflection of societal development. And something else has changed, Classifieds can be placed for free on many Internet sites, which means that this kind of marketing is experiencing a real boom. Small ads in the Internet age not only of companies, the deals actively used also for private purposes. Considering the real flood of connected display, it is all the more surprising that the quality does not suffer.

The discipline of advertisers seems to be high, because “scruffy” offers are only very rare. Are listings free on the fast lane next? Considering the evolution in recent years, is to assume that the boom has not yet reached its peak. The big E-auction houses in Europe appear to react to each case and launch parallel to their traditional offerings also portals for free listings. Here, it seems the trend to have recognized, see ebay and ricardo in contrast to the daily newspapers. As the development in the ads affect market auction houses remains to be seen. An important advantage of online auctions over the free advertisements will remain until further notice, and probably has a decisive influence on many consumers. Online auction houses offer a good buyer and seller protection, free listings can offer so far only partially. But here comes the movement in the market. Some providers offer an SMS verification, so that at least the buyer has the certainty that hides the seller not behind a false identity. Summary pages for free listings offer a good alternative to the traditional auction houses. However, one should carefully analyze and respond to no offers that are too good to be true. Like everywhere else on the Internet is caution a good Advisor. This is true both for buyers as well as for Seller, it is advisable to check the identity of the trading partner, so that there is no evil awakening is.


Swine Flu Reaches Web

by HFCadmin ·

Around the globe: Luftreinigungssyteme reduce the risk of infection more than 70 swine flu groups on Facebook, boundless Getwittere and top search term on Google Berlin, June 19, 2009 the outbreak of swine flu even before the Web 2.0 does not stop. Here, Steve Vai expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Long hot discussion in the media, formed in the meantime many groups on communities like Twitter or Facebook and still vigorously stimulate the worldwide wave of panic. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the swine flu is but very treatable. But the fact is that there is currently no vaccine for humans, and the epidemic should be underestimated in this country by no means. Effective to prevent the risk of infection, the German industrial and trading companies Trotec now recommends, sometimes specializing in air treatment, the use of mobile systems of air cleaning IQAir. The direct elimination of the pathogen offers the best infection control, for example, by reducing the volume concentration in the ambient air”, so Kokulan Nathan, Marketing Director of Trotec. Not without reason the IQAir line is used by worldwide leading research institutes, hospitals and industrial companies as air cleaning solution for critical areas (see reference list).

The health authority of Hong Kong used in combating SARS in 2003 the IQAir models hospitals available in. Especially in schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, offices and generally busy interiors with high public traffic, the highly efficient mobile air purification systems are recommended. There is more information and purchase options on. The IQAir Air systems under, the rental marketplace on the Internet are available for rent. Stiftung Warentest reviewed very well the IQAir HealthPro 250 by Trotec as one among ten models with the mark”in terms of reduction of particles. Various consumer magazines examined the air cleaner as top notch.

“” The US magazine Wired magazine “Air Purifier ruled in 2006 with best” (best air cleaner). The decisive advantage of IQAir systems lies in the very high Filtration efficiency. The air purifiers offer the most advanced air cleaning technology to polluted indoor air. Therefore the devices used worldwide, even in critical areas of the hospital to protect against deadly infections. The certified filters bind the filtered particulate matter and are not returned to the air. Miet24: The Miet24 GmbH was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Berlin. With around 850,000 rented articles course in 16 main and almost 2000 categories as one of the world’s largest market places for rentals on the Internet. All tenants can make free use of the marketplace. Opens up an additional and modern sales channel for rental through Miet24. For one, the rented items are sorted by their applications.


Responsive Web Design

by HFCadmin ·

Articles of SalesMachine GmbH Werbeagentur, Internetagentur Stuttgart the world of information retrieval has in recent years significantly changed. So we get our information no longer solely about the newspaper, television or radio, but mainly in the workplace, at home on the computer or on the go with the help of new technologies like tablets, smartphones and other mobile, Internet-enabled receivers. Already one-third of Internet users are today via mobile phone to the Internet. The display sizes of this different device types vary significantly the responsive Web design was developed. What is the responsive Web design? Responsiveness means sensitivity.

In other words, it is a reactive or interacting Web design. A Web design that automatically adapts to the requirements of the device and automatically optimizes the appearance of the page. It is suitable for the practical and easy to use use of the respective page for all Internet-enabled devices. Because like the kind varies the size of the display, also the type of the input options will vary. A Web site created by responsivem Web design can immediately see whether the possibility of input of the device is based on keyboard, mouse, finger or voice input. As a result, it is possible to customize the appearance of a Web site any device, without having to change the design.

How does the responsive Web design work? The responsive Web design provides a current technique, which allows to ensure a uniform display of content on all Web pages using HTML5 and CSS3. By using media queries, a media query, the features and capabilities of the device are queried, such as resolution, the format, the display size, the input option and so on. Advantage of this Responsiven Web design is no longer different Web pages for different devices must be created, but only a website must be entered, what ultimately the cost reduced. Although the costs for the responsive website are higher as the effort to create this Web site. Also very carefully selected and prioritized what should be seen on the relevant page of the appropriate format and what appears to be rather unimportant be. So, a page which can be opened using a Smartphone, must restrict to the essential, to tie the user as long as possible and with interest on the offered hand, without to make it through too much information user unfriendly. If a company but not want to abandon a mobile availability of its Web page, generally the use of responsive Web design worth in total consideration of costs and benefits. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Daryl Katz. Examples of successful implementation of responsive Web design are the websites of companies Eisold consulting and SalesMachine to see see and. The Internet – und Werbeagentur SalesMachine GmbH specializes in the optimization of new websites and is therefore This area particularly successful and experienced. At the present time, where the market is developing rapidly and the steady demand for mobile, Internet-enabled devices, it appears quite advisable not to miss this train and in time to take the mobile adaptations of their Web page in attack, to remain competitive for companies.


Thumbalizr – Screenshots

by HFCadmin ·

i-ssential has with the thumbalizr (http / /) developed a product with the product and account managers, Web site operators and private users quickly and easily create screenshots of websites. For presentations, creating identical large screenshots of websites is a breeze documentation or your own homepage with the thumbalizr (the first tool developed in Germany of its kind). Web master can control the tool through an easy to verwendnde application programming interface (API), create screenshots of any Web pages through a single line of programming code. Tiffany Espensen: the source for more info. The advertising agency for new media of i-ssential GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main was founded in 2003 by the three managing partners Alexander Vogel, Thorsten Heiser and Stephan Reisinger. The focus is on the design, implementation, maintenance and optimization of Internet applications and communications. Technology and creation/conversion business areas equally stand side by side, making synergies can be used optimally. Contact: i-ssential GmbH, Thorsten Heiser planks m 1 D-60599 Frankfurt fon: + 49 (69) 661246-0 fax: + 49 (69) 661246-29