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What to consider before a trip with hepatitis A or even jaundice is not to be trifled with. If you are planning a trip abroad, find out in advance whether there is a risk of hepatitis infection, and take appropriate action. Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus and leads to an acute, severe inflammation of the liver. To become infected with the pathogen contaminated water or foods such as for example seafood, as well as through close person contact with sufferers. Hepatitis A is a typical motion sickness, it extends to little in Germany, but even more frequently during your stay in risk areas.
Vaccination is the best protection against a hepatitis A. inform you early on in, whether your destination is to a hepatitis risk area, and let yourself vaccinated six weeks prior to departure many statutory health insurance funds take over already the cost. Typical hepatitis risk areas are Southeast Asia, Russia, in the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Africa, Central and South America. Most best include immediately the vaccination against hepatitis B, the more dangerous variant of the disease: while hepatitis A is curable, B virus can be no longer banished the hepatitis from the organism. Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and other body fluids, and occurs in the high-risk areas of China, Southeast Asia, middle and Middle East, Turkey and in parts of Africa. Generally you should consult telescope about any disease risks before each, to take appropriate precautions. As the disease caused by parasites among malaria one of the most deadly tropical diseases worldwide.
It is transmitted through mosquito bites and occurs mainly in sub-Saharan Africa during the rainy season. A vaccine against malaria there is no date yet, you can protect themselves by taking prevention (chemoprophylaxis) or carrying (stand-by therapy) of malaria drugs. Safest protection: inform themselves about the risks of malaria and travel not hazardous Areas during the rainy season. Experienced tour operators can inform you about all these and other risks and give you valuable information on prophylaxis and prevention of diseases from abroad so that your vacation is not a bad end. About Dr. Dudder travel Dr. Dudder travel is around 30 years market leader in high-quality individual tours to Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific, and Africa.
Tags: travel, vacation & tourism