

by HFCadmin ·

on the 3 + November 4, 2012 at the Exhibition Centre Freiburg 2 Freiburg Dogdance – tournament according to the regulations of the DDI dog dance international e.V. According to the regulations of the dog dance International (DDI) Salas-Weber, Axel Weber and Matthias Beirer have Heidi with their tireless team of the 2. Read more from Healthy Living to gain a more clear picture of the situation. International Canine freestyle tournament in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany held in the exhibition hall 3. In the course of the dog show “My dog – partner on 4 Paws” created a magnificent ring for the Dogdancer students. Over two days, more than 100 Starter from Germany / Switzerland / France and Italy were able to present an interested audience your dances.

Were available; the open – classes / beginners the official class music length 1:15 2:00 min / 1 the official class music length 1:45 2:30 min / 2 the official class music length: 2:30 3:30 min / 3 the music length: 1:15 2:00 min / official senior class the official Quartet class / music length: 2:00 3:00 min on Saturday, the 3rd of November opened punctually at 10:00 the starter application for the Dogdancer. From 11:30 Watch the set showed the beginner and open-class your dances. Beginner – class are intended for teams which launch the 1st time at a tournament. The open – classes are intended for all teams, who wants to dance regardless of your level of performance with your dog. These classes receive a verbal rating immediately after your dance the judge team. On Sunday, November 4, the dancers of the official classes started.

The class 1 and 2, the seniors, the quartets and the height of the highest class 3. After the ceremony of the official classes took place. Primary or secondary amplifiers (food, toys, etc.) in the ring are allowed at any time at the official classes. What is canine freestyle? If four or more feet and two feet on the dance floors are circling, the hearts of dog fans beat faster.


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