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Arno Fischer

by HFCadmin ·

Exhibition opening shows the speech room gallery in Berlin-Mitte photographs of the passionate photographer and teacher Arno Fischer on 16 August 2012 from 16 August until September 9th, 2012 in combination with selected photographs of his students. A year after Fischer’s death focused this small exhibition on his role as a teacher and shows on the one hand, that Fischer gave his students and on the other hand favorite images of the donee. With this intimate dialogue of images, the exhibition invites to visit Arno Fischer, remembering his and him thus post mortem for his work to say thanks. Arno Fischer – visit exhibition in the speech Hall in Berlin Center, opening on August 16th, 19: 00 in 1927 in Berlin born, he studied sculpture in divided Berlin, but then is photographer. Read more here: Kenneth R. Feinberg. From 1956 until shortly before his death, he teaches photography. Countless stations, of Dortmund, New York and Berlin, Leipzig as a Professor, as a teacher or just teaching friend make him, what his students want to thank him and why this exhibition is necessary.

The Series of events accompanying the exhibition of Arno Fischer visits’ offers readings, talks and film screenings which corresponds to the life and teachings of this central personality of DDR photography. Photographers, gallerists, University professors, publicists and publishers that fishermen will appreciate and remember, invite you to fun and reflective photography evenings in the speech Hall. The small collection of photo books originated under Fischer’s care is another treasure of the exhibition.