Food And Nutrition
by HFCadmin ·
The Units of Feeding and Nutrio (UAN) are organizations destined to the preparation and supply of quality meals. In the context of the alimentary Security, the UANs needs to present adequate structural and hygienical-sanitary conditions in all the stages of the production chain that involves since the process of acquisition of sorts until the distribution of the ready meal to the comensais. Therefore, this study it had for objective to evaluate the structural and hygienical-sanitary conditions of all the areas of two UAN? s, concessionaires of meals located in the Macap-AP city, which supply to meals the two public hospitals of the City. For in such a way, in the direction to get the index of in agreement or not in agreement item of each establishment a called check-list was used ‘ ‘ Chek-List’ ‘.
The gotten results had disclosed that both the establishments had not presented superior conformity 60%, being classified in GROUP II, (51% 75%) of the adequate item. These data can serve in such a way of base for a proposal of corrective actions in physical structure as in the hygienical-sanitary conditions. Word-key: check-list; Units of Feeding and Nutrition; Infrastructure in services of Feeding. Abstract Units of Food and Nutrition (HFS) ploughs organizations aimed at the preparation and supply of quality food. In the context of food security, the foodservices must present structural conditions and appropriate hygienic and sanitary at all stages of the production since it involves the acquisition of genres you the distribution of ready meal you diners. Therefore, this study aimed you assess the structural conditions and hygienic-sanitary conditions of all areas of FSU’ s two, dealers dining in the City of Macap-AP, which provide meals at two public hospitals in the City.