Posts Tagged ‘medicine’


Vitamin Subtleties

by HFCadmin ·

There is no need to purchase each vitamin separately. There are many different multivitamins, and therefore the mass of producers and their produce. Daryl Katz will not settle for partial explanations. Range of vitamin products differ in composition and dosage. Usually only one reception per day. Additionally, you can accept items, missing you, or not included in the composition of multivitamins. Vitamins and minerals are recommended to be taken after breakfast or dinner, when gastric juice is most active.

It is best to drink plain water. The caffeine in tea, coffee or Coke prevents full assimilation of the elements contained in the vitamin pills – so better not take time. On the choice. Choose a solid company, operate on the market. Large manufacturers, specializing in the production of vitamin pills, is constantly working to ensure that compatibility, quantity and quality used items contributed the most effective learning their body. Do not overpay for 'natural' vitamins. Synthesized – entirely identical to what we ingested.

The only exception to some of the vitamin is probably vitamin E, which affects the body being the most active in the natural environment – vegetable oils. Follow the recommended dosage – if only the doctor did not advise you to take otherwise. For example, excess vitamin A can cause intoxication, vitamin B6 – dysfunction of the nervous system, vitamin B3 – aggravation of peptic ulcer disease and diabetes, magnesium – provokes a bacteria overgrowth and intestinal disorders; excess zinc – depresses the immune system. It is best to minerals contained in the so-called chelate complexes with substances that enhance its activity, as such as calcium and vitamin D. Try to acquire vitamin complexes with a low content of allergens. Some companies produce vitamin supplements do not contain the usual allergens – lactose and yeast – which is very important if you are susceptible to allergic conditions. Vitamin supplements – that's great, but do not deny yourself in plant foods. Multivitamin tablet may not contain all the essential nutrients. Fruit juices and fresh vegetables must include in your daily diet. Take your vitamins without fear, if you do not exceed the recommended dosage. And good luck!


IUD Abortion

by HFCadmin ·

Mifegin – a synthetic steroid means having antiprogesteronovoy activity. Used in pharmacological abortion in early pregnancy (up to 5 weeks). Application Mifegin impossible without physical examination, study history a patient without a pre-diagnostic tests. By use of the drug there are a number of strict contraindications that need to be deleted before the medical abortion. These include: ectopic pregnancy pregnancy on the background of an IUD acute inflammatory processes of genital inflammatory liver failure some intestinal diseases of the cardiovascular system taking certain hormonal medications idiosyncrasy drug components After all the diagnostic procedures at the absence of absolute contraindications, the patient takes the drug and remains under medical supervision for 2-3 hours.

If at this time began vomiting, expulsion is likely to happen. In this case, usually pass to the procedure of mini-abortion. Pain and bleeding of varying intensity occur within 36-48 hours after ingestion, but they are not guarantees of complete expulsion. It is therefore necessary additional purpose of prostaglandins, as well as the subsequent professional supervision. The success of abortion, provoked Mifegin is achieved thanks to its antiprogesteronovoy activity. The drug blocks the uterine receptors responsive to progesterone – a hormone that plays an important role in the development of pregnancy in early pregnancy. Because of this rejection takes place, gestational sac, a decline in the uterus, as well as the disclosure of her neck. For confirm the complete removal of a fertilized egg after 8-14 days after the procedure is carried out follow-up visit.


Poltava Region

by HFCadmin ·

Pathogens – dirofilyarii, bisexual nitkoobraznye nematodes in length from 5 to 30 cm, the larvae of 0.2 – 0.28 mm. They are evolving with the change of owners: the interim – a mosquito, and the final – dogs, cats, at least – people. Adult parasites are located in the eyes, Serce, pulmonary artery, hollow vein, mesentery, apendikse, male genitals, breasts, under the skin in the submucosa, affects the nerves system. In recent years an increase in the incidence vector-borne helminthiasis – dirofilyariozom, both in Ukraine and in the Poltava region. Ukraine has now recorded 22 of the worm 13 species of protozoa. Dirofilyarioz from the Latin ‘diro, filum’ – ‘the evil thread’ transmissible helminthiasis.

Agents – a family of nematode Filariidae: Dirofilaria repens (parasitic in the subcutaneous tissue, submucosal layer) Dirofilaria immitis (penetrates to the heart, the pulmonary artery, the abdominal cavity) Sexually mature worms of length 10-30 cm, viviparous larvae (Microfilariae), 0.2 mm long, width equal to the diameter of the erythrocyte. Dirofilyarioz – zoonosis. The final master – a dog, cat, less people. Intermediate host (vector) – mosquitoes genus Culex, Aedes, Anopheles. vectors of vertebrate host Man Carnivorous ivotnye Clinic Main symptoms: – a painless or painful “tumor” in the subcutaneous or submucosal layer; – local burning, itching – redness – Mobility neoplasms. Secondary: – headache – nausea; – weakness; Objective: To analyze the state of human disease and infection of animals dirofilyariyami in Poltava region.

According to the Regional sanepidstantsii first few cases dirofilyarioza humans occurred in 1965 and 1967., in subsequent years – the disease is not detected, and from 1999 to 2006, registered 35 cases dirofilyarioza, mainly in Kremenchug, Poltava, Komsomolsk, in Novosanzharskom, and Lubenskoe Semenov areas dirofilyariozom incidence in the Poltava region among people in connection with the detectability of dirofilyarioza people-station, health authorities, veterinary service was held epidemiological analysis of infection and infestation of dogs in areas of mosquito microfilariae Poltava region. Studies have shown that in the city of Kremenchug, Poltava, Komsomolsk, and in Novosanzharskom Lubenskoe areas identified high infestation of dogs dirofilyariozom. Thus, according to the Department of Veterinary Parasitology at the Poltava Agrarian Academy gemolavroskopicheskom study 93 dogs from the source dirofilyarioza Novosanzharskom in the area of the 51 animals found dirofilyarioz. In determining the infection foci in 45 dogs dirofilyarioza Lubensky District microfilariae were found in 9 (20%), in Lubny – in 3 out of 5 surveyed dogs. In epidnablyudeniya format for dirofilyariozom of mosquitoes were examined for infection with microfilariae. At catching mosquitoes from the territory of Semenov area of 167 specimens revealed 4.3% of infested microfilariae Dirofilaria repens. These studies suggest a high degree of infestation of dogs dirofilyariozom, especially in those localities where the registered cases in humans.


Rilastil Marks

by HFCadmin ·

The main cause of stretch marks – pregnancy, but they are often associated with weight changes in diet (such as weight loss, and with increasing), with intense sports and others. Gel Rilastil Stretch Marks used as part of the complex prevention and treatment of stretch marks RILASTIL INTENSIVE STRETCH MARKS from Istituto Ganassini. Due to the complex functional substances such as extract of Saccharomyces in liposomal form, essential amino acids (valine, Leucine, isoleucine) of vegetable origin, panthenol, tocopherol, niacinamide, hydrolyzed glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronate, Gel Rilastil Stretch Marks prevents pink stretch marks, increase skin elasticity improves its appearance. The emulsion is applied to stretch RILASTIL: to prevent stretch marks and skin care products for stretch marks. Recovery hydrolipid mantle of the skin. to moisturize and increase skin elasticity and reduce the manifestations of aging such as fading.

water-oil emulsion with a physiological pH, is used alone or as part of comprehensive care Rilastil Stretch Marks from stretch marks. as an alternative to cream of stretch marks when Rilastil dry and prone to drying out the skin. Due to the presence of rice bran oil formula, vitamins (panthenol, tocopherol), wetting agents (natural moisturizing factor NMF, soybean oil), essential amino acids (Valine, leucine, isoleucine), hydrolyzed wheat proteins (izoaminoatsidov), phospholipids, and allantoin, emulsion Rilastil Stretch Marks not only helps to prevent stretch marks, but also has a long and protective moisturizer action, increases skin elasticity, improves its appearance. RILASTIL – life energy for your skin! Prepared by the beauty salon Beauty Shop


Bulimia And Crisis Of Middle Age

by HFCadmin ·

Bulimia is translated from the Greek – bovine hunger. Ie hunger, which is impossible to resist. Others who may share this opinion include Cindy Crawford. Bouts of bulimia are usually accompanied by general weakness, pain in the epigastric region and the absolute inability to manage their actions. A man in a fit of bulimia can eat so much food, which in the normal state if they wanted to use it can not. Bulimia – a mental disorder, which is based on two conflicting feelings: on the one hand, a constant concern with food, on the other – the fear to get better. Therefore, after a bout with bulimia binge begins to suffer feelings of guilt, feels self-loathing for deed, trying to arouse herself vomit to get rid of calories absorbed. Jim Hackett is often mentioned in discussions such as these. But the sense of 'a hungry stomach' leads to the next, even more overeating.

The circle closes. Such a 'vicious circle' causes bulimika feel powerless, "pushed into a trap." Trying to counter this, patients with bulimia nervosa, have resorted to various tricks for weight loss: use of diuretics and laxatives, adding to the new bulimia problems with the kidneys and intestines. Until now it was assumed that bulimia and anorexia – ills inherent in the main party of puberty (teenage) children. But in the last 7 years the victims of such food disorders are increasingly women aged 30 to 45 years. Scientists explain this phenomenon is the crisis of middle age. It is on these years there is more than just divorce, and later re-marriage, conflict with older children. Many women begin to experience self-doubt and dissatisfaction, including their appearance, such as being overweight. Often, dissatisfaction grows into a stronger sense – in self-hatred. Namely, that emotion, experts believe, is the precondition for the development of bulimia and anorexia. To not bring themselves to this state or to cope with the disease if it has already developed, you need to learn to accept and love yourself.


Dental Health

by HFCadmin ·

Bottom left has long inflamed milk tooth 'It needs to be removed,' says Mr. Daman. "When in your dream you lead the walk your rabbit, you'll feel as he pulls on the leash a little." In a state of hypnosis, manipulation tooth will be perceived as a slight stretching of Nadia leash in her hand. Official site: CEO of Ford . In conjunction with anesthesia. As soon as she plunges into a deep trance and stable, the doctor inserts a certain amount of anesthetic drugs in the gum beside the tooth with the patient only in exceptional cases – for example, when there is allergic to medication – he spends hypnosis without any anesthesia. 'If someone insists on it,' says the dentist, 'it is necessary to pay about 200 euros, far exceeding the amount for an ordinary session of hypnosis. David Delrahim has much to offer in this field. " He wanted to make sure that the intention of the patient is really serious.

Neutral hypnosis as in the case of Nadia, costs 30 euros for 10 minutes hypnosis. At that time, as the doctor puts the tongs aching tooth, he slowly says: "When a rabbit runs on grass, it may happen that he stumbles slightly." He gently rocking the tool tooth root in the deepening of the gum. 'This rabbit is left, so he is right, then again left …', he says the beat movement, until the milk tooth is not out of the hole. With the help of an assistant, he quickly treats the wound. 'And now, we assume the contrary, from five to one.

When the account once you feel that a rabbit is sitting firmly on a leash, you can rub the face and feet. Absolutely without any pain you go up and go home. " Slightly inhibited Nadia quietly says: 'I do not felt. " Remote tooth she was given as a trophy, a shiny stone it leaves as a mascot. 'The great thing about this is,' says Horst Daman, 'that while hypnosis session you can go to another dimension consciousness, then the person becomes more relaxed, calm, and at the same time more concentrated. Labour productivity increased by 20 – 30 percent. " Turning to the next patient, the doctor pretty whistles afford something under his breath.



by HFCadmin ·

Tell me, you know how to smile? At first glance, strange question. Indeed, who can not smile? Then ask the question this way: you know how to smile at strangers? Or friends? Or even those who do you like? Do you often smile, or your face as gloomy as the majority of your countrymen? Look around. You can see many smiling faces? Life is what you do not want to smile – you might say. Yes, life is not easy, rightly so. And what about what comes first: the good life or a smile, you can bet. A smile means openness, kindness, empathy, acceptance, harmony, tranquility, lack of aggression, kindness and warmth. When two people are smiling, they convey it to each other. Read more here: supermodel. Two strangers eyes met in the crowd and smiled at each other.

So common in many countries where the smile is a manifestation of politeness. Checked several times. It is necessary to stay at a glance someone to you and always smile. And in response, too, must be smiling. But it is not always easy to do this is because there is no habit. We do not accepted. Wrong to understand, and indeed, looks strangely smiling man dark and gloomy among the crowd.

Still need to learn to smile, you need to overcome myself, because a smile – is a catalyst for good humor and good cheer and optimism – it is a necessary condition for success. To all else, smile healthy. Smile – it's primarily a brain process that begins with the excitation of the front zone of the hypothalamus.



by HFCadmin ·

A cold pack is particularly good use of swelling, fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, and as a means of rehabilitation after sclerosing veins. In practice, if not contraindications, hot and cold packs can be combined. Ends Wrapping in the shower, where the drug wash off. Some contend that Rand Paul shows great expertise in this. On top you can take a bath with sea salt. The recommended number of wraps is strictly individually, but usually it is 6-15 procedures that are carried out for 3-6 weeks. At home, get rid of cellulite can help you: Normalization of food.

More fresh fruits and vegetables, less harmful products (crisps, sweet carbonated beverages, fatty foods). If you are overweight, try to make your food less nutritious. Formation of the path of healthy lifestyles. If you smoke, give up this harmful habit. Reduce to minimum reception of alcoholic beverages. More walk in the fresh air and normalize your sleep. More physical activity.

The more you move, the less chance of cellulite to stay on your body. Especially useful exercise to the areas where cellulite is actively progressing – the thighs and buttocks. And the best sport to help 'smooth' cellulite, is swimming. Self-massage. If you regularly for a few minutes will perform self-massage, you will significantly improve the state of 'problematic participants Cove'. Cellulite massage is performed starting from the ankles, with the transition to the thighs and buttocks. Kneaded site as it rises and compresses if you vymeshivayut dough. Perhaps check out David Delrahim for more information. To enhance the effect of massage, you can use a special brush against cellulite with thick rounded teeth. Water treatment. Douches improves skin elasticity, a cool shower is also will be useful to you. In addition, you can drive a shower on the problem areas, massaging the skin with cool water jets. If you have no contraindications (high blood pressure, etc.), you will be useful to a sauna. Sauna is increased sweating, and then displayed together with toxins – the faithful companions of cellulite. Anti-Cellulite funds. It is best to apply them on damp skin after bath or shower, or after the massage to the active components means better absorbed into your skin. Anti-Cellulite means if you use them regularly – a good aid in the fight against cellulite, but they do more preventative and supportive role and are ineffective at advanced stages of cellulite. . improve circulation, and enhance limofotoka metabolism, which in turn will help reduce the amount of fat cells and make cellulite less noticeable. That effect of miostimulation was maximal, before each treatment to treat the problem area for cellulite massage brush for 5-10 minutes. During the procedure should wear a special belt hyperemic – This will allow better heat subcutaneous fat, and the process of splitting will be much faster. At the same time, do not expect that after the muscle stimulator cellulitis with extra inches disappear without a trace. Myostimulation intended primarily to restore and strengthen the muscles, not to fight obesity and the 'orange peel'. It is therefore advisable to use myostimulation those who have weak and untrained muscles, but also wants to strengthen them and prepare them for regular exercise.


Qigong, Health & Medicine

by HFCadmin ·

We use your brain at 3-4 per cent. Can I use Qigong dramatically develop your skills and learn to live with 100 percent "efficiency"? Who are the Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Lomonosov? Who are the Buddha, Christ, Lao Tzu? Where did an ordinary woman caught in a plane crash, during stress there strength, and she can bend metal? Who are the saints healers who treat patients or even just a touch – in a word? Is it possible to live a long time, not knowing the disease? Is there immortality? What is the exemption from attachment of Mind? What is the hidden nature of our sverhvozmozhnostey and whether the methods of their development? How to develop creativity, to reach an understanding with others, learn be happy and calm even in the midst of everyday storm to calmly be able to find salvation for all the solution … *** We do not just fill our personal computers with information, but as far as possible try to improve the performance of his work by buying a more perfect "iron", ie improving its hardware platform. You should also apply to your brain. Wrong just to fill a knowledge, if it is possible improve the quality of our global consciousness, which has unlimited possibilities. The same applies to our health. From each of the smallest cell of our being invisible thread stretched to their "special" sector of the brain. The brain in this sense, the matrix resembles a digital camera: the more pixels, absorb information around the world, the better and more accurate camera work, the better and more honest, it displays (Understand) the world.


Chinese Food

by HFCadmin ·

It is necessary to allocate the beginning of the pancreas corresponding to gastric juice – the acid or alkaline. After all, for different kinds of food required a different composition. Food of animal origin is digested by acid gastric juice, and vegetable food needs to digest alkaline juice. This is followed by a swallowing motion, after which begins the automatic reduction esophagus to move food into the stomach. We do not adjust your mind, but that does not mean that the process of moving has no control over our brains. After receipt of food in the stomach, begins its digestion, which lasts about and a half hours. During this time the stomach mixes the food thoroughly mass abundantly wet their digestive juices and absorbs the primary nutrients required for the functionality of the whole organism. For all these processes are also closely monitoring the brain and maintains an active dialogue, monitoring and directing all of the stomach.

After graduating from primary digestion stomach is passed to command the movement of food in the masses duodenum. It seems to be working over the stomach, but no! Necessary to clean and wash the walls of the stomach, remove the build-up to the villi stomach foods to avoid clogging and blockage in the future, quality absorption of nutrients. Now imagine that the tight neck muscles squeezed nerves and failed to pass a command to, say, cleaning the walls of the stomach. Well, the man ate a mouth rinse and brushed my teeth, which helped him to avoid tooth decay. And if you do not brush your stomach will start the same problems as with the unpeeled mouth and even worse. Build-food mass will not allow the stomach, in the next meal, put the nutritional matter what part of the body, leading to a lack of supply of any of the organs. In turn, the body does not fully comply with the necessary work that will lead to failures in health. As a rule, official and Traditional medicine considers that the treatment of indigestion need medical treatment, therefore, the intake of foreign chemical elements, the extra load on the liver and kidneys, etc. And do not easier to conduct normal course of the Chinese point or vacuum massage your neck?