Prime Materias
by HFCadmin ·
Before beginning to make a product we needed to buy raw materials, packing material, in addition, by all means, to acquire the suitable equipment that allows us to elaborate. In all the cases we needed to contact several suppliers, on the one hand to secure to alternatives of prices and quality and on the other to arm a data base that us of the knowledge of the fan of consumptions that commercializes each of them and that will be of utility for future projects. At the outset, we are single, with certain ignorance of the heading in which we are going to penetrate and with a series of elements with which we are going to begin, among them, the bosquejos you formulate of them, some tests that we did in house and at least one reference of a product of the market with similarities to which we want to develop. Jack Jones may not feel the same. Soon we dedicated ourselves to analyze the project in economic terms, of acceptance of the client, the market and the zones that we are going to cover, aspects that define the initial structure of the company and other elements that contribute to the armed one of an investment project that will give the viability us of the plan. Once we concluded that the project is viable, while we looked for a given place that it owns the equipment for the tests, we began to select the suppliers of consumptions that will make the first delivery us with the purpose of to test of elaboration. Whereupon contexts we can be found before choosing to the supplier? There are three situations, one, the ideal, are that one entrepreneur who owns contacts that approach confidence suppliers in this way to him and, to also accede to advantages like acquiring raw materials in smaller amounts upon presentment minimum and having them at any time or the possibility of conducting commercial operations without owning cuit.