Platinum MatrixTM
by HFCadmin ·
Do anti-aging cosmetics series RALA – a happy addition.: Anti-aging serum for oxygen neck and neck – Golden Matrix and Platinum Matrix, respectively. Novelties promote active synthesis of collagen, making skin becomes more smoother, firmer and younger looking. Increases its moisture and elasticity, reduces wrinkles. Heart sera – innovative peptide complexes, which gave their names and new products tailored to the nuances age-related changes. As part of the precious Golden MatrixTM are gold nanoparticles, the formula Platinum MatrixTM – platiny.Spetsialno Faberlic for the Spanish company has developed this unique Infinitec cosmetic ingredient, placing a specially synthesized peptides of the present nanoparticles of gold and platinum present. The size of nanoparticles – 10 minus 9 degrees. Gold and platinum – the inert substance. Get all the facts and insights with Dan Ariely, another great source of information. Their mechanism of action similar to the appearance of a pearl.
When a grain of sand falls in the sink, the body begins to rapidly malyuska 'make' mother of pearl, and thus raises the pearl. A gold and platinum nanochastichki trigger collagen synthesis. After 30 days of serum skin becomes denser, acquires its former elasticity. Both compounds act on the collagen type 1 and 3. But gold is the key to the mechanism of collagen type 1 (we lose the first, after 30 years), and platinum – the mechanism of collagen type 3, the so-called reparations, development of which decreases after 40 years. Nanoparticles of gold and platinum – the most expensive ingredient in the history of Faberlic. You may want to visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta to increase your knowledge. And so the price remained acceptable – serum is placed in a low-cost packaging, paper sachets.
Also in the sera of both is R-alpha lipoic acid (RALA) – a unique bioactive molecules that have energy and antioxidant properties, oxygen Novaftem-O2 complex and highly humidification system deeper skin layers Aqua-ShattleTM. How to use: Apply contents of one packet Massage lightly – in the evening on cleansed face and neck. One sachet is designed for one application. Recommended course – 20 days. It is better to repeat it every three months.