Qigong, Health & Medicine
by HFCadmin ·
We use your brain at 3-4 per cent. Can I use Qigong dramatically develop your skills and learn to live with 100 percent "efficiency"? Who are the Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Lomonosov? Who are the Buddha, Christ, Lao Tzu? Where did an ordinary woman caught in a plane crash, during stress there strength, and she can bend metal? Who are the saints healers who treat patients or even just a touch – in a word? Is it possible to live a long time, not knowing the disease? Is there immortality? What is the exemption from attachment of Mind? What is the hidden nature of our sverhvozmozhnostey and whether the methods of their development? How to develop creativity, to reach an understanding with others, learn be happy and calm even in the midst of everyday storm to calmly be able to find salvation for all the solution … *** We do not just fill our personal computers with information, but as far as possible try to improve the performance of his work by buying a more perfect "iron", ie improving its hardware platform. You should also apply to your brain. Wrong just to fill a knowledge, if it is possible improve the quality of our global consciousness, which has unlimited possibilities. The same applies to our health. From each of the smallest cell of our being invisible thread stretched to their "special" sector of the brain. The brain in this sense, the matrix resembles a digital camera: the more pixels, absorb information around the world, the better and more accurate camera work, the better and more honest, it displays (Understand) the world.
Tags: medicine, Traditional medicine