by HFCadmin ·
Recently we knew that 84% of staff feel motivated in his work, and 61% said not to sit on an enabling environment, at their workplace, to carry out its task. This chilling conclusion comes a survey conducted by Gestha, carried out to 4200 public officials. Privilege of officials is not a situation, the work environment is one of the biggest concerns of many entrepreneurs who can’t see as good workers stop working for them, claiming the work environment. They know well, it is one of the factors that employees value most, and thus in job interviews is not strange to see offers in which you can read: enjoyable work environment. What we don’t know is if they understand by work environment the same as us. Lack of planning, organisation labour, excessive workload, lack of personal recognition, little proportionate incentive system, little support of superiors, envy and competitiveness or lack of independence in making decisions, they are mentioned reasons to argue it. Wage differentials are also generators of a bad work environment, and try to avoid them at all costs, is a maxim in any company or organization, large or small.
Some blame the poor environment in the work an undesirable person. Seems inevitable: sooner or later you just always encountering one, and examples abound in the work. If to make matters worse the undesirable is the Chief, one can go to live like a nightmare, and perhaps worse so that they never fall into the account of the great responsibility they have in such a climate, and generation of serious damages and losses, causing its command style, the company. This class of leaders used the gossip, the offense, the threat, and the requirement of blind, as principles of his command obedience. Your cover letter is his boundless ambition, and the result: a climate of unhealthy work making it workers very difficult to find enough motivation to get up every morning.
Tags: authority, classrooms, home, load, Parenting, social, welfare, zapatero