by HFCadmin ·
Spelled contains virtually all the nutrients needed by people in a harmonious and balanced combination of quantitative – and not only in the shell of the grain and uniformly in all grains. This means that it preserves the nutritional value in the finished bread, even when fine grinding. Spelled – reviving a valuable dietary product 'I will serve you nicely, very diligently and efficiently, in year three of lye to you by forehead, let me have the same cooked spelled … 'AS Pushkin 'Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda "What is' spelled' In the era of Alexander Pushkin's spelled (or spelled) fed the whole Russia. What is spelled? It turns out once in Russia polbyanaya wheat, or spelled, was distributed not less than usual.
Its beans contain more protein than regular wheat. Here is where did the power in the very same 'three lye', which sent a priest to Lummox 'Creator'. Spelled is completely independent of wheat. More precisely, its progenitor. Based on the ancient spelled withdrew all modern varieties of wheat. Spelled – it's a half-civilized wheat variety, or rather a group of wheat brittle ears and pletenchatym grain. It has many useful and even therapeutic properties.
Many nutritionists agree that the current increase in cases, in many respects, it is associated with the rejection of consumption plants such as spelled, with an unchanged human chromosome. These are the plants surviving in its original 'natural' form. Spelled – tunicate wheat. Spelled more resistant to dry winds than other types of wheat.
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