Labrador Retriever
by HFCadmin ·
Basic requirements for candidates: stable psyche, pedigree (as the court-terrier named Kuzma, Pribluda and dunce, has toured annually in our apartment in the winter), the average size, weight category – up to 35 kg, loyalty to the offspring. In casting were: Labrador Retriever, Dalmatian and female Malinois. Judging by the selection of candidates, we do not particularly know what they wanted. About existence of a Shar-Pei we somehow forgotten because of their rarity and the estimated high cost of the puppy. Living in a city apartment, busy at work, presence in the house of two poorly managed facilities in the form of children superimposed serious limitations in the choice of breed. Selected projects in all possessed undeniable advantages, in our opinion, one shortcoming – the need for long walks for the dogs should exercise. Not come to a consensus, we have been, postponed the acquisition of dogs to the best of times.
And then it broke "his majesty – Case." I learned about the existence of the kennel shar-pei "Shat Shyun and met with Olga Puginsky-Zvereva. As it turned out, the rumors about the rarity and high cost of mad dogs of this breed have been greatly exaggerated. After a two-way exchange of questions and answers I was made an invitation to visit the nursery. It remains only to go and choose the puppy. So what do we get the output? Shar-Pei – Dog imposing form, medium size, weighs about 25 kg of wool that does not require any maintenance, with a strong nervous system, absolutely fearless and imperturbable, very loving his family.
Tags: home and family, pets