
Group Research

by HFCadmin ·

Being thus, the research was carried through in an only group of alimentary re-education due to desistance of others two groups. The PARTICIPANT GROUP the participant group of the research is of the quarter Coast and Hisses, of the city of Joinville, SC. The coordinator of this, readily after the first contact demonstrated to great interest in the accomplishment of the research, emphasizing the importance of psychology in the process of alimentary re-education the five year group is formed the fence, being co-ordinated for a professional who does not have formation in the area of the health. The participants search for the program for free and spontaneous will, generally arrives at the group through some known. It presents as characteristic the fact of being a group of spontaneous formation, is composed for people who if identify for some similar characteristics, as the excess of weight and the difficulty of reduction of the same. One is about an opened group, that according to Ribeiro: ' ' He is that one where the members enter and leave with easiness. A rigid commitment of frequency and permanence does not exist.

These groups function frequently as groups of wait, of reflection, where to the secondary therapeutical effect acontecer&#039 can; '. (RIBEIRO 1999. p.94) the group is only lead by a coordinator, as cited previously it does not have professional formation in the area of the health. The meeting occur weekly and lead on average of 1 the 2 hours of duration. In the first meeting, they are registered measured as height, weight and also requested to the participant which the goal of loss of weight that it desires to reach and through the data height and weight, makes the calculation of the ideal index of corporal mass for each participant. When initiating in the group the paid participant a referring value to its school registration in the program and to each week also charges a tax.


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