
Diet Advice

by HFCadmin ·

1. His body and keep strictly to the diet, and sleep and rest: do not let him simply because it wants it, as the Apostle commands: "Provision for the flesh does not turn into lust" (Rom. 13, 14). Do not let the rest of the flesh. 2.

Their external relations reducing to the most inevitable. This is the period of training themselves to prayer. After the prayer, in you, will tell you that, without prejudice to it may be added besides. Beware especially feelings, and between them the most-eyes, ears, tongue tie. Without respect for this and do not step forward in prayer. For even more opinions, read materials from supermodel. It can not burn the candle in the wind and rain, so you can not pray at zateplitsya tide of impressions from the outside. 3.

All the free time after the prayer used the reading and meditation. Shall read-mostly those books that is written about prayer and all of the inner spiritual life. Meditate solely on God and divine things, the dispensation of the Incarnation of our salvation, but it is particularly about the sufferings and death of Lord and Saviour. By doing so, to plunge into the sea of divine light. Join this walking the church as soon as you will have the opportunity. Mere presence in the temple will overshadow you praying cloud. What do you get if you stand the entire service in a truly prayerful mood! 4. Know that you can not succeed without a prayer general prosperity of the Christian life. It is necessary that the soul does not lay any sin, not purified by repentance, and if at the time of prayerful work to do something, embarrassing the conscience, be in a hurry to clear confession to could you vozzret boldly unto the Lord. Keeps the heart humble contrition. Do not miss a single upcoming event to do some good or to exercise any kind of location, especially humility, obedience and renunciation of their faith. But it goes without saying that the zeal for the salvation shall burn, and quench it, filling his soul, in all, both small and great, should be the main driving force, the fear of God and unshakable hope. 5. So configured, bothered in making a prayer, praying for: that the prayers finished, then his, then a brief invocation to the Lord, the prayer of Jesus, but without losing anything of what may help in this work, and get the desired one. Let me remind you that says St. Macarius of Egypt: "Will God prayer thy work, and that you sincerely wish success to prayer, and give you a prayer. For know that, although soluble, and achieved by their efforts prayer pleasing to God, but this is the prayer that is infused into the heart and is relentless. It is God's gift, the matter of God's grace. Therefore, praying about everything, do not forget to pray, and prayer. " Venerable Nicodemus of the Holy (64, 205).


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