Archive for January, 2018


Mental Retardation

by HFCadmin ·

The individuals with mental retardation present an inferior intellectual development to normal and the difficulties of learning and social adaptation. Approximately 3% of the world-wide population present mental retardation. Second, PEACE (2002, P.23), ' ' We can consider the learning problem as a symptom, the direction of that not-learning does not configure a permanent picture, but enters a peculiar constellation of behaviors, in which if it detaches as signal of descompensao' '. Some authors who if dedicate to this subject use the terms problems or riots in indiscriminate way. Therefore to establish clearly the limits that separate to problems of learning of the calls learning riots is a task very complicated, that this subject also comes to be revealed by some specialists of some areas the professor, pedagogo, psicopedagogo, the fonoaudilogo and the psychologist. Without hesitation Cindy Crawford explained all about the problem. Intelligence is determined in such a way by the hereditary succession how much for the environment. In the majority of the cases of mental retardation, the cause is unknown.

However, some conditions during a gestation can cause or contribute for the mental retardation of the child. The common causes include the use of certain drugs, the extreme alcohol consumption, the x-ray, me the nutrition and certain infections you capsize (for former: rubola). Chromosomic anomalies (Syndrome of Down) are common causes of mental retardation. Diverse hereditary riots also can cause it. Some (p.ex., fenilcetonria and cretinismo, which had the tireoidiano hormone concentration low, can be corrected before the mental retardation occurs. The difficulties associates to the premature childbirth, the trauma skull-enceflico or the concentration very low of oxygen during the childbirth also can cause mental retardation. An occurred time the mental retardation, it is generally irreversible. The precocious diagnosis of the mental retardation becomes possible the therapeutical education and the planning in long stated period. Inferior intelligence to the normal one can be identified and be quantified through tests intelligence standard.


Infertility in Cats

by HFCadmin ·

In infertility cats, there are several reasons, not all of them, unfortunately, difficult to treat. Regimen for treatment of infertility, which I am about to propose to his readers, is applicable only when the animal is examined for infectious diseases, leading to infertility, and conducted a survey to exclude structural pathology of genital cats. On the sexual cycle of cats written many articles, but now we'll talk about how to cope with such problems as anestrus, or prolonged interruption of the sexual cycle of the cat when the cat ovaries do not secrete the necessary hormones for estrus. In order to help the cat find ovarian activity, there are a number of recommendations from veterinary specialists. Let me give here one of the schemes: Folic acid.

Give 1 tablet 1 time per day. Since folic acid prevents malformations in kittens, it can be applied in the second trimester of pregnancy cat. Katazal (Or Gamavit or Aminova) give 1 every 3 days, from 0,5 to 1 ml (depending on the cat's weight) for 10 days. Methionine – 1 / 2 tablets 10-14 days (you can in a day). Some cats still give Carsey 1 times a day for 10 days.

Necessary for this purpose and Vitamin E – it needs to give 1 drop per day for 10 days. It is convenient to type it with a syringe on 0,2-0,3 ml. According to some cats and recommended vitamin A. It is given one drop every other day only 10 times. Just applied and ascorbic acid. Intramuscularly or subcutaneously injected at 1 ml 1-2 times a day. If during the use of the drug for more than 5 days estrus did not appear, then the injection of ascorbic acid repeat. However, applying Ascorbic acid, it should be remembered that it can cause loss of calcium oxalate and provoke attacks of urolithiasis. Since the middle of this treatment, you can start to make injections Ovariovita 1 ml of 1 time per day subcutaneously, or through the day. Total of 10 injections. At the same time introduce and veterinary preparations Mastometrin, which affects the uterus and mammary glands, reducing the cystic changes. Mastometrin injected subcutaneously with 1 ml of 1 time per day, or a day later, all 10 injections. If during the treatment of sexual cycles cats recovered, during mating treatment should be discontinued, leaving only the use of folic acid and Gamavita, but their use of renewable only in second trimester of pregnancy, not earlier than the twentieth day. Do not over think to recall that before the viscous cat should be free from external and internal parasites and vaccinated on time. Well, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition cats!


Home Online Business

by HFCadmin ·

The study of how to promote the product of other people will teach the important skills of Internet marketing and you will be able to start fast. It is logical to conclude that if you are able to master the skills to promote the product of other people, you also know how to promote their own product when you have it in the future. If you want to learn a business from home, here is a simple 4 step system you can use. Step 1-Find a profitable market you have to decide which market you want to base your business. I really remember to choose a market which is helpful because you want to make money doing it. The easiest method you can use is to go to the point article dot org and check several categories. As there are people who write and send articles with multiple categories, you can be sure there are people who are interested in that market. Step 2-Find a good affiliate product Once you have decided the market, you need to choose a good affiliate product that you may recommend to the market.

The easiest way is to do a google search where you will be able to find many products you can promote. You will want to verify that the product is good and has a good sales letter or a professional presentation as these tools are selling for you. This is crucial because you want to make sure that most of the visitors that you have conducted will be paying customers. Choose a good product to promote and you can go to the next step. Step 3-Conduct constant traffic to your site you want to make sure you have your own Web site so that you can build your own list of subscribers. There are many methods of generating online traffic and its objective is to choose two or three methods with which you are comfortable. Once you have chosen several methods, you will plan your own weekly traffic plan.

This will ensure that once your website is live online, you will know the things you have to do in a daily basis to drive traffic to your website. Remember to stay focused on this task. Step 4 – Find more products and promote them among themselves, as you build your own list, you’ll want to choose more products you can promote to your list. You can choose to charge a higher price or better still a residual affiliate program so that you are paid a monthly fee while the client still uses the services. You want to build a good relationship with their customers so that they are more sensitive to its future offerings. These are the four simple steps the system you can use if you are interested to learn a business from home and start making money online. Do not be fooled by its simplicity because it works very well if you’re willing to invest the time, effort and money in building their business. Then start to take massive action today and follow the system.