Archive for January, 2014



by HFCadmin ·

As obtain and keep your credit in our days there are many reasons to make use of the credit. The possibility of carrying a plastic instead of a lot of airline card is very convenient without fail to consider the reason more obvious, which is none other than the fact that it is increasingly more difficult to live in today’s society without antecedents registered on networks that control the use of the credit. No doubt the credit cards are necessary for, for example: book hotels, rent vehicles, shopping by catalog or over the phone. In some places it is necessary to have a credit even for power card rent videos, not to mention the indispensable that it is having a good credit if it is to obtain a loan in cash, with a reasonable interest, with destination to the acquisition of a car or a House. Credit cards also offer a sense of endorsement or security because attributed to them that they have the power to resolve situations of emergency, as unforeseen illnesses, accidents or urgent making costly repairs. Unfortunately along with these advantages coexist some disadvantages because since to offer a sense of security it induces the individual to not rely on personal savings to cover emergency situations. The good use of the credit demands of who owns the consideration of some essential points: purchases on credit may be considerably more faces due to the payment of interest and extra costs when the balances are not canceled in time and manner, without disregarding that holders of credit cards at risk of being exposed to scams and frauds if they lost them or be copied them your account number. Having a certain buying power can lead to the temptation to fall into the overdraft creating a situation compromised in the future, whenever we enter on a slope in the relationship ingresos-egresos, redshift of maturities not covered costs could seriously compromise the family economy, They generally entail with the consequent conflicts that situations of this kind.


Healthy Dogs

by HFCadmin ·

You don’t know like properly feeding your dog? Feed and nourish healthy our dogs sometimes becomes a real headache, either by the large number of brands among which we have to choose or by our own doubts on what they do really well to our dogs. In general we can say that our pets need fresh, quality food and adapt to their nutritional needs. Note here that their needs tend to be different from the humans so our prepared food is not optimal for them. As fundamental advice we can say that the best thing is to be advised by an expert in animal nutrition which will indicate the appropriate dog food. Also if the expert in question knows well our pet better than better, by what wherever possible seek advice your veterinarian since it will guide you on what your dog should and should not eat in a very personalized way (also may recommend any pet store where to buy adequate food). As we have previously discussed food designed specifically for dogs it has all the necessary nutrients for your health and they are clearly better than leftovers or another type of food intended for humans a choice. In addition, try that food is not stored for a long period of time since the optimum would be to buy it in monthly periods.

In this regard as prior Council believe that purchase by internet will allow you to perform this rotation of foods easily through some online pet store specifying more we will offer a few tips that will help to nourish our dogs in the best possible way: first remember that animals are highly routine. Therefore to carry out a proper nutrition for our animal we have to establish immutable procedure than internalized and facilitate us throughout the process. This aspect it is extremely important since it will make our dog becomes accustomed to the food that we want to, to eat as well as schedules and quantities that would be perfect for him. We must be tenacious and get set These routines and everything will be much easier. That Yes always must take into account the specifications of our animal, thus, for example, puppies make 3 meals a day while only two adults, or for example depending on the breed quantity will be greater or minor (let always advised by an expert) another important aspect is to know dogs reward. Remember that the goodies for dogs don’t have to be harmful to the dog, all opposed, there are highly healthy snacks and that should be used to complete feeding your dog using them as awards that will enable us to strengthen routines. Finally, we highlight the subject of oral health. Try using products designed to correct your dog dental hygiene, will prevent problems such as bad breath and an eventual loss of teeth.