Archive for September, 2013


Dry-cleaners And The Sistem Lagoon Of Electrolux

by HFCadmin ·

Dry-cleaners and Sistem Lagoon of Electrolux Lagoon clothing treatment process is performed using two machines: industrial washing machine and a dryer. These devices consume electricity and water, and emit washing wastewater containing dirt from the clothes and the remains of detergents. The machine that consumes more energy is dryer and gas or electric heating can be installed. In order to be able to compare processes more similar possible is selected the electric version. To treat 14 kilos of clothing it is necessary to perform two cycles since even if the machine is that capacity, for the treatment of delicate machine load is 50% to prevent the mechanical effect due to the friction between garments. Consumption supplied by the manufacturer is 108 liters of water per cycle, which gives us a total of 216 liters. This water is poured directly to the sewer system and contains the remains of biodegradables(pueden cosnsultarse las fichas de seguridad de los detregentes en) detergents and dirt from the clothes. The quantity and quality of the discharge is similar to the household but slightly less washing, industrial equipments have superior performance.

Delicate washing processes are temperature low (maximum 35c) so the power consumption is low, on the order of 0.5 kwh per cycle (temperature of 15 C mains water). In drying, if the machine heating is electric, only consumes energy of this type. In the Lagoon process, in contrast to the dry cleaning industry, the aim of the dryer isn’t so much dry clothing as abatanar to fluff it. After washing clothes is a tendency for a few hours so you lose most of the moisture and past this time enters the dryer. Dryers are equipped with an electronic humidity control system.

The clothing is not removed completely dry but with the natural humidity of the fiber. In the dryer, being practically dry clothing, the weight is less and there is no limitation of the mechanical effect by friction, so that the loads are complete. The manufacturer only provides data for laundry drying from 50% humidity up to 0%, which is 7.7 kWh for a machine of 14 kilos. In the Lagoon system consumption will be much lower for two reasons, firstly input humidity is below 50%, since clothes tends several hours and secondly, clothes not can dry up to 0% because you encogeria. If make an extrapolation based on the processes of drying times, 27 minutes until 0% of humidity and 10 minutes maximum in a Lagoon process. The power consumption of the drying would be 3 kWh. Information like this should be taken into account when choosing a franchise of laundry source: press release sent by electrolux.


The Spanish Food

by HFCadmin ·

Eating is one of the needs more basic man, but thanks to the great development of the different parts of the world gastronomic trends eating is not just a necessity but a taste and a pleasure thanks to the Nice and delicious flavors that have been achieved with so many dishes that are made around the world and so food passes need to an art of tasteful looking for maximum satisfying the palates of persons. Among those wonderful foods of the world that have sought to stand out with its great flavor, nice image and delicious aroma conquering all types of palates to around the world, appears the Spanish food, that with a wide range of meals all with unique flavors have positioned themselves as a meal most complete and delicious in the world. Spanish food is basically developed with the elements of a Mediterranean meal, without however as it is typical in most countries, each region offers different culinary cultures, which has allowed the great diversity of flavors and dishes, with plenty of ingredients, by the which although diet predominates Mediterranean type, are also other tendencies and even combinations. Other trends that can be tasted in Spanish food are those of Arabs, and Latino areas with which speaking of Spanish food there is no a specific parameter, most easily occurs the mixing of several gastronomic cultures. Entering more in-depth features that accompany the Spanish food, is a meal that makes much use of meat pass the levels considered I ideals regarding the consumption of animal protein, which generates that consumption of fish eastward far below normal even in areas in which fish can be very easily achieved. In what refers to the use of oils, it is evidence of a great use of olive oil, but in earlier times was very common the use of animal fat, especially the lard, but the use of this ingredient now is nil, passing to vegetables such as vegetables and fruits, while heavy use of these elements is made to comparison of other typical of the Mediterranean countries, does not reach the ideal consumption of these foods. While Spanish food is characterized by a great variety depending on so many regions, there are certain points on which coincides in all Spanish territory, which are:-the use of olive oil in many dishes, both in raw foods and fried foods – for the realization of many dishes makes use of a stew or sauce made with onions, tomato, salt coriander and garlic – during meals it is customary to drink wine – many meals are accompanied with pan – consumed many salads, feature that becomes more evident in the seasons of summer – to finish meals gives dairy desserts such as fruit consumption.


Eggplant Restaurant

by HFCadmin ·

I love dining at restaurants during the weekend. I am always with a friend to share a delicious dinner and some drinks afterwards, especially on Saturday. In addition, today, searchable any information over the internet, so if someday I don’t know restaurant choose how I live near Sitges, busco online restaurants in sitges and google gives me a good selection of restaurants. I only choose the restaurant that is most appropriate for my tastes. Last week I went to dinner with a friend at an Italian restaurant in Sitges called Pura Vida. It was an exquisite gastronomic experience.

We ate a carpaccio by head as a starter and a first Italian pasta dish (I asked for a pasta with Eggplant and my friend a few ravioli with boletus sauce) and conclude the dinner with a typical sweet home that left us very satisfied. In addition, after dinner, we sat in the huge local bar used as a cocktail bar and ask a couple of cocktails, whose round again because we liked a lot. We went out of the happy restaurant and continue our night at home of a couple who had organized a party for the anniversary of their wedding. Today, with having an internet connection, you can get information about many restaurants, even for dinner at sitges, which is a town that even has thirty thousand inhabitants according to the 2008 census data. In addition, a table can be booked by internet provided that the chosen restaurant has some reservation system online and that allows us to organize our dinner even more easily. If someone decides to dine in this charming village in the Garraf, recommend search Sitges restaurants in a search engine.


Energy Consumption Food Gas

by HFCadmin ·

It is where you know the good pilot in the storm the greenhouse crisis is increasing concern with regard to their effects, that represents for humanity, appearance that Governments should not neglect if we want to ensure the non-wearing ambientas and avoid the negative effects that this can occur. In a letter in this regard made by William Austen Bradbury, on this subject and contributed by ecoportal. NET, there is relevant data that cannot be ignored by what it represents and on the warning that we must be attentive to a reality that is there, that you must take the necessary measures to avoid a catastrophe. Review, at the global level, the rate of energy consumption is estimated at 15 terawatt (TW), or 15 TJ (TJ) of energy each second (1 T = 1000000000000). If a conventional electric bulb consumes 60 W, this is the equivalent of 37 bulbs lit permanently by every person in the world. More than one quarter of this consumption is lost in the generation and transportation of energy.

About 86% of This energy is produced using fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal). The use of these fuels has increased nearly unchecked since the first oil drilling in the mid-nineteenth century. This growth contrasts with the decline occurred in the discovery of deposits since late 1970s. Fossil fuels are a source limited energy, exploited in the last decades of exponential mode, which accelerates its inevitable depletion. Be considered that predominant feeding system is highly dependent on energy consumption.

The energy consumed by agriculture itself is estimated at only 4 per cent of world energy consumption but, according to the Intergovernmental Panel of climate change, directly contributes to 11% of the total of greenhouse gases emitted, or 6. 1 Gt of carbon dioxide equivalent.