Archive for March, 2013


The Food

by HFCadmin ·

It is probable that he will eat more when is made mechanically. To lower of weight will be so easy when you are convinced and you want to do it, since if you want you can. When it is eating, he is advisable to let for a moment rest the places setting each three mouthfuls ingested. To use this technique will help him to break the rate when feeding itself it will force and it to eat less foods. It only cooks the necessary amount of foods for every time of food and keeps in the refrigerator which does not consume. It divides to the lunch and the food in two parts.

First it ingests the strong food (meat, vegetables or rice and you graze) and the salad. Two hours later, cheese or fruit, or both. Benefit of each mouthful as if this outside most exquisite caviar. Of preference it consumes small amounts and it savors each mouthful slowly. The function of foods not only is for nourishing the organism, but also to give to a pleasure to our palate, offering that one satisfaction in each mouthful, by such reason, enjoys each mouthful. Any diet to become thin must go accompanied of a good routine of exercises, abundant water consumption. If it is interested in subjects to lower of weight of fast form, as well as tablets to lower of weight visit our connection that will inform to him into effective methods stops to lower of weight, and to know more on Like eliminating the fat of the abdomen



by HFCadmin ·

For Jung, the act to create symbols is a spontaneous and innate capacity of the human being, and the dreams are the most frequent and universally accessible source for the investigation of the faculty simbolizadota of the man. Without embargo, affirms Martina, in our onricas experiences also we can fulfill irrational, wild desires of sexual nature, does violence to, profligate: exactly Sigmond Freud described as inconcientes the impulses, feelings and desires, that bring about acts whose motivation is rejected by brings back to consciousness. Has happened him to you that? How it has reacted. It considers that for fred, the feelings and impulses appear in the dreams, disguised generally and of symbolic way. Freud supposes, that represses it brings back to consciousness them. However, the dreams can be creative, we do not forget for example, that in 1920. the physiologist Otto Loewi, revealed in a dream the process to him of the chemical transmission of the nervous fluid in the human body. For German chemistry F.A.

Kebul von Stradonitz, found the structure molecular of the aromatic benzene. The archaeologist Hermann Hilprecht, managed to decipher the inscriptions of the old Ball temple, in Nippur, thanks to a dream. The English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge extracted of his dreams the inspiration for its poems. It roasted made Edgard Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, Mahatma Ghandi, managed to undermine the imperial authority of the English in the Indian in the Twenties, with the aid of a onrica experience: it saw people gathering salt of sands of the sea. Then it initiated a great march to the coastal city of Dandy to gather his own salt.

This way the British power finished that was based on the monopoly of the salt. It never forgets, that in a warning dream for example, diseases can be announced. The beginning of a disease is perceived in so light form, that during the watch, put in the activities of the day.


Fast Weight Loss

by HFCadmin ·

You need to know how to lower fast weight indeed and? , you are tired of diets that do not work to become thin quickly? , comes near an important event in your life and you want to lower fast weight to shine spectacular? , you only have one week to ponerte in form and to reclaim your figure. If anyone of these is your case, finds an effective solution to your problem. How to lower of fast weight it is the objective of the majority of the people with overweight problems, when they are put under a diet to become thin. In spite of which many feel, as to lower of weight it is not a mysterious process. It is simply question to burn more calories of those than they are consumed. Nevertheless, if this outside so simple one, no of us would face overweight problems or equivocal me? To lose weight can become a true martyrdom when we thought that we must make something very drastic to see the results fast diets to lose weight, tablets to become thin, homemade remedies or some of those strange machines of exercises to burn fat that are seen in the commercial ones promising instantaneous results.

The truth about how to lower of weight is the following one: There are small changes every day and slowly (but surely) you will be able to thin those kilos of but of fast way. The key to know as to lower of fast weight and indeed it is in forgetting instantaneous results and determining objectives in the long term. Nevertheless I want ofrecerte some tips that they will help to lower you of fast weight. Instead of to fry, it boils or it cooks its food. It drinks 6 or 8 glasses of water to the day. Outside the meals. It tries to go every day bathroom regularly.

The elimination of remainders is important. It sleeps eight hours since to sleep little it gets fat. The insufficient dream brings about the generation of the hormone that stimulates the appetite and inhibits the one that signals to the brain satiety. It incorporates healthy and healthful meals. It avoids the fast frituras, meals and fats. To weigh itself every day. This stimulates to that it continues or it improves his esferzo to become thin. Not to eat nothing one hour at least before lying down.


Food and Body

by HFCadmin ·

I always found the fact of many adventistas interesting deBelm to comment that it has four adventistas churches: the Adventista Church doStimo Dia (IASD), the Adventista Church of the Promise, the Adventista Church of the Reformation 2 and the Adventista Church of the 3 Landmark. This last one, for being considerada' ' church of rico' ' to load the fame of ' ' liberal' ' agregapessoas of a superior considered partner-economic level to excessively in the state formed, part, for many university and people academic comformao of superior level, also some professors and mdicosligados students to the adventistas schools of the city and to the Hospital Adventista de Belm. The first adventistas missionaries had come of the EstadosUnidos for Brazil in 1891 and its ideas were transmitted through defolhetos and magazines that entered the colonies of eaustracos immigrants German, in the states So Paulo, Santa Catarina and Espirito Santo. The IASDfoi initiated officially in Brazil in 1895, with the baptism of Guillermo SteinJr., in the city of Piracicaba, state of So Paulo. In the state of Par, osprimeiros missionaries had at the beginning arrived of century XX and the Adventista Church doMarco, established at the beginning of the last century account today with more than 1.000membros, being the greater in the state of Par and all the region doBrasil north. (Vieira: 1995) These missionaries had brought obtain a vision of mundoestrangeira and with it a proper style of if feeding that emsolo paraense with deep peculiar alterations to the culture of the place was introduced. We have porobjetivo to present here these done culinrias reinvenes in the kitchen dosadventistas of the church of the Landmark and to show as they had opted to diversaspropostas culinrias that can vary of the carnivorous diet until the o 4 sistemaovo-lacto-vegetarian. We will emphasize here the importance of the use of the meat deglten 5 and of the meat of 6 soy (known between the adventistas como' ' meat vegetal' ') in the daily one of these people, as forms desubstituio to the bovine meat, suna, of birds or fish.