Being Healthy
by HFCadmin ·
Larissa Vilanova ' ' I am teeny But already I know to choose good foods to live well. To have health I want to eat Meat, fish and eggs and milk beber' '. (Music of the Machadinha) the question of foods in the family law always was very argued, for involving, many interests, beyond the interests of the children, as already we know. It had a very great evolution, in the direction of if to recognize that, independently of the formed union, the right to foods is the same, a time that, is characterized for having a character of urgency and necessity. Moreover, the foods do not have only the children, to the step who also can be granted for former convivente that he will not have conditions of if supporting economically, beyond the ascendants and descendants, what he represents an innovation in the native right. Therefore, they must, wants have foods origin in the blood relation, it wants are consequent in the disruption of the marriage or the convivncia. It is what it makes use the caption Can the relatives, the spouses or friends to ask for the one to the others foods of that they need to live in compatible way with its social condition, also to take care of to the necessities of its education. ‘ ‘ Art. 1,695 must the foods when it intends who them does not have enough goods, nor can provide, for its work, to the proper maintenance, and that one, of who if complains, can supply them, without desfalcation of necessary to its sustento.’ ‘ Important to mention that exists; ‘ to have of alimentar’ ‘ ‘ ‘ obligation of alimentar’ ‘ falling of trees by means of tests. The movement of constitucionalizao of the Civil Code, in what it refers to foods, placed in evidence some principles that are considered ' ' pilares' ' of the relations involve that them.