The Environment
by HFCadmin ·
Analisandoo environment, everything turns around the survival having a dependence devrios elements, in the case, air that we breathe, the water and among others that they are favorveis attainment of energy in the land, that is essential factors to the life. In the davida teia all the beings are members of on ecological communities one to outrasnuma net of interdependence that it means to nourish, to construct and thus it generates umciclo of necessities of feeding of them you vary species of beings livings creature that compeessa teia. Naformao of this cycle we have several other characteristics that demonstrate muitobem to the use of the great numbers of components gifts nodesenvolvimento of the planet, as the biogeoqumicos cycles that are processosnaturais that recycle elements in different chemical forms of the way ambientepara the organisms. Percorremestes water, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements cycles, joining the component livings creature and not-livings creature of the land. The land that um dynamic system, in evolution, movement and the stockage of its afetatodos materials the physical, chemical and biological processes. A biogeoqumico cycle is omovimento or the cycle of one determined chemical element or elements through daatmosfera, hidrosfera, the lithospere and biosfera of the land. Nessainterao of the cycles the author very argues well on the phenomena of the union eda dependence for accomplishment of each phase, therefore we are humble before anatureza, having a necessity we lend of its existence.
Also a fatoressencial before the dependence, therefore we are part of this cyclical process danatureza. In the argument of the physicist Fritjof Capra, who cites the davida sistmica conception not to see the things as isolated elements, but as integrated vibratory parts, whose characteristics, but important are not in part, but in the way comoestas parts itself relate. Comessas analyzed ideas, we extract some slight knowledge of as the ouprocessos cycles carried through by the environment, always to an interaction of both aspartes, biticos with some factors that the individuals carry through its atividadesde organized way, joint and having the interaction of different levels. In this necessity of organization the man finishes exaggerating in the attainment acclicos defatores, that confuse the factors natural as great gas emissions, generating residues that finish itself accumulating with this increase, always generates losses and disequilibrium, different of the nature that generates cyclical factors, having umaproveitamento of everything. Ohomem has that to search alternatives to diminish its disorganization in half the natural dosprocessos, to produce its residues without affecting the environment, assimproporciona an appropriate interaction in the interactions man and nature. Based in: Atheistic of the life: A new understanding of the systems livings creature.
Tags: environment