
SAE Evaluation

by HFCadmin ·

The requirement to import the SAE, (Cofen Resolution n272/2002, that it charges to the implantation, the planning, the organization, as well as the posterior executions and evaluations of the process of nursing) subdivided in the following stages: consultation of nursing, description; physical examination; nursing diagnosis; lapsing of nursing and evolution of nursing, that will have to be stored formal in the handbook of the patient and enclose also the units of emergency. It is known that the SAE is something privative it nurse, uses method and strategy of work highly based in the scope of the scientific knowledge, who propitiates the identification of health situations/illness, subsidizing actions of nursing assistance that can contribute for the promotion, the prevention, the recovery and the whitewashing of health of the patient, as well as of its family and community in a more including way (15). The physical Examination that is used in the cases of Cerebral Vascular Accidents is the examination that evaluate the neurological capacities, standing out the potential complications concerning the deriving damages of the alterations in level of nervous system. Having as objective of the neurological evaluation carried through by the professional nurse it understands the accomplishment of the initial neurological examination in the admission of the patient, the identification of disfunes in the nervous system, the determination of the consequncias of these alterations in the daily experience of the individual, as well as the detention of situations of life risk (16). The frequency for the accomplishment of this examination is closely on to the conditions where the customer arrives at the emergency sector. Each item of the neurological examination is important in the elaboration of the nursing diagnosis, the boarded aspects of the neurological propedutica is: anamnese neurological, summarized evaluation of the mental state, superior riots and cerebral functions, inspection, evaluation of the level of conscience amongst other more superficial and deep aspects as reflected and of the cranianos nerves.


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