
River Amazon

by HFCadmin ·

Hypothesis: The river Amazon is forgotten, without no care. The authorities of the State, do not create methods or politics that make possible the health and give to a good quality waters of the river. INTRODUCTION The historical relations between cities and the rivers in the Amaznia, present one strong responsible geographic dimension for expressing material symbolically and in its landscapes and its conceived spaces, lived and perceived (Lefebvre, 1974) determined particularitities constructed through a multiplicity of uses and forms of appropriations related to the regional necessities of economic production and social expressions with cultural apelos forts on associates or not them local singularidades and particularitities. (p.9)

When we think about city, we think about a conglomerate of houses, with electric light canalized water etc. soon then this city must have basic sanitation and paved streets, everything thought and elaborated for the citizen, commercial building and centers, that they aim at supplying and of the direction to the term ‘ ‘ cidade’ ‘. As well as other cities of the great Brazilian Amaznia that are bathed by rivers as, for example, Belm of So that it is the edges of the bay one will guajar of it, and Santana in the State of the Amap, that are bathed by the river Amazon, also exists Macap that usufructs and is supplied by the use of the river Amazon, and has its allied formation the existence of this, that hour to give sensible to city, while in the same moment is rejected for them to be able constituted politically, and that they do not give the due treatment to that one that sacia the headquarters of the population, and are the main way of access for the historical citizens, that use it as a link, for the commercialization of products. As well as to great they use it companies for draining of its mineral productions deriving of cities of this State. To the eyes of the travellers of this time, the mouth of the river Amazon was of a surprising, admirable, different nature in the hidrogrfico conformation, in the relief, vegetation of other landscapes of the valley of Amazon.

(PINK ACEVEDO.P, 35 In lands of the handle North, Flavio Saints Gomes, org.) The first moment of this analysis perpassa for the contribution that the river has and/or had for the sprouting of the village of Macap, and subsequent to city. The question of the supplying is also an object of research, and analysis made for the historian, Nrvea Ravena that it approaches the thematic one, inside of a perspective to show as if developed these relations in a colonial period, focando Macap and villages neighboring circum, in such a way enters in not obstante the XVIII.Para century me to work the question, of the river atrelado Amazon but to this thematic one he is to supply, and mainly of water I eliminate, it so indispensable to the life.


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