

by HFCadmin ·

Anti aging with micro-nutrients for physical and mental fitness is hard to believe. But many people on the right and optimal supply with micro-nutrients lacking in Germany. This can have disastrous consequences in the age. The mental and physical fitness can suffer and faster than normal aging processes. This would be avoided if attention would be paid to a good supply of micronutrients. So at least the results of some interesting research from the last time. Then possible to intervene apparently taking of certain micro-nutrients in aging in the body positive.

Based on the results of such research, it is possible to develop strategies for personal anti-aging action on the basis of selected micronutrients. A group of researchers from the United States has illuminated the fundamental relationship between micronutrients and ageing processes at the cellular level in experimental work. After that, a mixture of different micronutrients can positive influence on biochemical processes of aging in the body’s cells and so the cells last longer in a biochemically adolescent stage. But not enough, in another study, doctors in the white blood cells in people with atherosclerosis have made an interesting discovery. Among those who regularly took Omega-3 fatty acids to maintain their health to be, a cellular marker for age was better preserved than in those who did not. According to latest research is maintaining this marker (called a telomer) a direct measure of the age of a cell. The Telomere is longer, the longer the cell has to be alive.

Omega-3 fatty acids influence so obviously the longer these Telomeres. As a result, Omega-3 fatty acids may have direct influence on the life time. A healthy source of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids is flax oil, which is highly purified OmVitum capsules available. OmVitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of arteriosclerosis, one of the most common causes of cardiovascular disease. Selected vitamins and trace elements are available as MemoVitum. MemoVitum is based on anti-aging studies, demonstrated a positive effect on the immune system and the user’s memory performance. MemoVitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of age-related cognitive (memory performance) and immunological (infection Defense) changes. The examples show how experimental and clinical studies are well compatible and can represent a reliable framework for anti aging with micro-nutrients. Navitum Pharma offers suitable products that meet the needs of the people. MemoVitum contains exactly the 18 micro-nutrients used by WHO researchers and OmVitum Omega-3 fatty acid is a pure herbal supplement. Both are recommended by doctors for the prevention and treatment of age-related disorders. to your knowledge. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) and OmVitum (PZN 4604189) are available in pharmacies, health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma. The month supplies MemoVitum and OmVitum cost per only 29.50. Also are three month supplies of cheap (PZN MemoVitum 0253876 and OmVitum PZN 0262160) available. Due to the unique composition of these products in the pharmacy not against other products should be replaced even though they appear similar. Each pharmacy may obtain free shipping OmVitum and MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company.

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