
Infertility in Cats

by HFCadmin ·

In infertility cats, there are several reasons, not all of them, unfortunately, difficult to treat. Regimen for treatment of infertility, which I am about to propose to his readers, is applicable only when the animal is examined for infectious diseases, leading to infertility, and conducted a survey to exclude structural pathology of genital cats. On the sexual cycle of cats written many articles, but now we'll talk about how to cope with such problems as anestrus, or prolonged interruption of the sexual cycle of the cat when the cat ovaries do not secrete the necessary hormones for estrus. In order to help the cat find ovarian activity, there are a number of recommendations from veterinary specialists. Let me give here one of the schemes: Folic acid.

Give 1 tablet 1 time per day. Since folic acid prevents malformations in kittens, it can be applied in the second trimester of pregnancy cat. Katazal (Or Gamavit or Aminova) give 1 every 3 days, from 0,5 to 1 ml (depending on the cat's weight) for 10 days. Methionine – 1 / 2 tablets 10-14 days (you can in a day). Some cats still give Carsey 1 times a day for 10 days.

Necessary for this purpose and Vitamin E – it needs to give 1 drop per day for 10 days. It is convenient to type it with a syringe on 0,2-0,3 ml. According to some cats and recommended vitamin A. It is given one drop every other day only 10 times. Just applied and ascorbic acid. Intramuscularly or subcutaneously injected at 1 ml 1-2 times a day. If during the use of the drug for more than 5 days estrus did not appear, then the injection of ascorbic acid repeat. However, applying Ascorbic acid, it should be remembered that it can cause loss of calcium oxalate and provoke attacks of urolithiasis. Since the middle of this treatment, you can start to make injections Ovariovita 1 ml of 1 time per day subcutaneously, or through the day. Total of 10 injections. At the same time introduce and veterinary preparations Mastometrin, which affects the uterus and mammary glands, reducing the cystic changes. Mastometrin injected subcutaneously with 1 ml of 1 time per day, or a day later, all 10 injections. If during the treatment of sexual cycles cats recovered, during mating treatment should be discontinued, leaving only the use of folic acid and Gamavita, but their use of renewable only in second trimester of pregnancy, not earlier than the twentieth day. Do not over think to recall that before the viscous cat should be free from external and internal parasites and vaccinated on time. Well, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition cats!

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