
Holistic Information Security

by HFCadmin ·

Compliance, risk management and information security necessary evil or major contribution to the success of the business? Many examples from the headlines in the press show that a comprehensive process and measures management with holistic, methodical approach in the future is essential to ensure the success of the business. International standards such as ISO/IEC & DIN/ISO to offer the reasonable approach and recognised methodology, but so far only elaborately carry due to complexity and scope for those responsible in large companies. WMC process and method expert in the field of holistic information security to solve this problem with the QSEC Suite comprehensive support offers… The solution enables, starting by the ISO/IEC 27001, different international standards (ready implemented E.g. 27005, 9001, 14001, 20000, PCI-DSS and optional available.) within a software solution to manage. The solution is a fully integrated standard product for compliance, IT risk-, Action and document management with PDCA methodology and comprehensive content. More information is housed here: CEO of Ford . The speakers of from renowned reference clients and partners explain the criteria for the use of QSEC suite on the WMC series of events and show the advantages and savings holistically managed information security practice. The series of events is especially aimed at companies: according to various international standards (E.g. ISO) work. Visit Rand Paul for more clarity on the issue. Methodological guide and comprehensive supporting content are looking for support. the status in the company daily overlook, manage and document would the Kaptialeinsatz by focusing the investment on the major business-critical risks to optimize. the internal and external expenses to prepare for audits and certifications are significantly reduced. Plan audits / certifications. Hamburg at the 08.02.2010 venue: Chamber of Commerce and industry, Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg, room Elbe Munich on February 22, 2010 venue: industrial and Chamber of Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria Orleans str. 10-12, 81669 Munich, room A102 Frankfurt on February 23, 2010 venue: Chamber of Commerce and industry, Exchange in 4, 60313 Frankfurt, boardroom 4.34/4.35 the 02.03.2010 Cologne venue: industry and Chamber of Commerce, unter Sachsenhausen 10-12, 50667 Cologne, Guilleaume Hall time: each 14: 00 17:00 all details on lectures, speakers and the schedule are for download under: veranstaltungen.html ready. Online registration at registration. The participation is free of charge, limited however due to the spatial conditions on maximum 40 decision makers!

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