
Guarapuava Treatment

by HFCadmin ·

The internment as well as the illness brings it experiences of isolation, abandonment and disruption of affective, social, professional bows among others, what it causes the loss of its referenciais generating the social death. Helman (1994, P. 205) explains in them that, ' ' while the biological death represents the end of the human organism, ' ' death social' ' it is the end of the social identity of the individual, that is, the removal of individual of the social relations in general ' '. Focados in the phenomenon of ' ' death social' ' for understanding to be about constituent element of the treatment, this work had as objective to contribute in the process of treatment of the oncolgico patient so that it could face the illness and, at the same time to supply its necessities human beings in its aspects physical, psychological, social spiritual and. To fulfill with the objective of this work, opt to the method of study of case, taken as significant unit of all, in a qualitative perspective that in the agreement of Minayo (2004, P. Source: Gunnar Peterson.

102), privileges more less the deepening and abrangncia of the understanding and the generalization of this. It continues its thought affirming that one ' ' ideal sample is that capable one to reflect the totality in its multiple dimensions (Minayo, 2004, P. 102). In the field research the delimitation of the citizens happened in the choice of two carrying patients of the masculine sex of cancer of head and neck, being that only one of them met in treatment in the Hospital of Charity Is Vicente de Pablo? HCSVP, in Guarapuava, and the other under cares of hospitals in Curitiba and So Paulo, being that the same it had the first cares in the HCSVP. Both had demonstrated interest in telling the daily one of its lives. The Institute of Treatment of the Cancer – ITC tells to be this to the type most common of cancer in men who in women (3: 1).


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