
Food and Body

by HFCadmin ·

I always found the fact of many adventistas interesting deBelm to comment that it has four adventistas churches: the Adventista Church doStimo Dia (IASD), the Adventista Church of the Promise, the Adventista Church of the Reformation 2 and the Adventista Church of the 3 Landmark. This last one, for being considerada' ' church of rico' ' to load the fame of ' ' liberal' ' agregapessoas of a superior considered partner-economic level to excessively in the state formed, part, for many university and people academic comformao of superior level, also some professors and mdicosligados students to the adventistas schools of the city and to the Hospital Adventista de Belm. The first adventistas missionaries had come of the EstadosUnidos for Brazil in 1891 and its ideas were transmitted through defolhetos and magazines that entered the colonies of eaustracos immigrants German, in the states So Paulo, Santa Catarina and Espirito Santo. The IASDfoi initiated officially in Brazil in 1895, with the baptism of Guillermo SteinJr., in the city of Piracicaba, state of So Paulo. In the state of Par, osprimeiros missionaries had at the beginning arrived of century XX and the Adventista Church doMarco, established at the beginning of the last century account today with more than 1.000membros, being the greater in the state of Par and all the region doBrasil north. (Vieira: 1995) These missionaries had brought obtain a vision of mundoestrangeira and with it a proper style of if feeding that emsolo paraense with deep peculiar alterations to the culture of the place was introduced. We have porobjetivo to present here these done culinrias reinvenes in the kitchen dosadventistas of the church of the Landmark and to show as they had opted to diversaspropostas culinrias that can vary of the carnivorous diet until the o 4 sistemaovo-lacto-vegetarian. We will emphasize here the importance of the use of the meat deglten 5 and of the meat of 6 soy (known between the adventistas como' ' meat vegetal' ') in the daily one of these people, as forms desubstituio to the bovine meat, suna, of birds or fish.

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