

by HFCadmin ·

Cysts of uterus or uterine fibroids are the most known to affect women in a 30s, rare in those who are younger than this age, reach a size small and it is less seen in white women, with greater predilection to the black race. According to statistics the cyst fibroids or uterus affect one in five to six women their symptoms are the following: bloating pelvic vaginal bleeding. Irregularity in the normal cycle of the rule. Disperaunia genital and pelvic pain. Constipation. Apart from these peden symptoms exist, genital inflammation, nausea, and cramping abdominal and lumbar region. His diagnosis is through MRI or ultrasound travaginal, pelvic examination may show signs of inflammation, the complication of the symptoms will give treatment to be followed, the age of the patient, if bleeding is prolonged during menstruation, location of the fibroids or cysts of uterus also.

Pain relievers they can eliminate the pain in the pelvic area, as well as the anti-inflammatory not steroids decrease the feeling of heaviness in the area, oral contraceptives treat hormone level of cysts of uterus and can be used any other method contraception where released hormones internal, such as IUD or copper T, everything depends on the decision of the doctor regarding his State of health. Apply hormones NgrH for cysts of uterus and uterine fibroids or any pharmacological hormone treatment only natural is simply not needed doing reduce complications with exercise and control of cholesterol levels. During pregnancy there may be chance that the occurs n preterm birth so it recommended n very continuous control to your gynecologist and a balanced diet that prevents anemia in nutritional deficit. Want to know how to treat ovarian cysts in a non-intrusive way? Please Click here to read about a method that you can eliminate the symptoms in as little as 12 hours.

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