Exercise Bikes
by HFCadmin ·
Exercise bikes are a child who did not like to ride a bicycle? Think what a pleasure. And what prevents you ride on it now? You say the robot for household chores, the seed … to help can come exercise bike. What is the exercise bike exercise bike is a versatile trainer is not much different from its ancestor – the bicycle. He also has a saddle, pedals, handlebars, wheel (wheel). However, you are never with him not fall and pierce the bus, you do not even have to leave the apartment, that would take a ride. In addition to the pleasure you get rid of the weakness in the body, strengthen the heart and lungs get rid of extra pounds and more.
Exercise bikes and ergometers. There are two types of exercise bikes: magnetic exercise bikes and ergometers. Magnetic exercise bikes – the very first version of this simulator. Magnetic exercise bikes have a permanent magnet, on the approach to the flywheel has a inhibitory effect on him. Modern versions are equipped with on-board computer that monitors: pulse, calories and speed.
Advantages of this bike is its durability and quieter robot. Exercise Bikes – a modern model. This bike is designed for workouts. On-board computer runs a much greater control over the exercise, measures the volume, characterized by precise control of load and pulse … The advantages of this bike stands a more modern braking system in which there are no mechanical elements. How to choose a bike? You need to know what bikes for their dimensions are divided into: a compact exercise bikes, exercise bikes big. Compact bikes are characterized by low cost and designed for user weight of 80 to 100 kg. Large higher price and are designed for user weight of 120 to 140 kg. They are perfect for obese people. In any case, before buying the bike you should consult with the sellers. More should pay attention to the drive system from pedals to the flywheel, it is belt, chain, combined with the intermediate shaft. The next important criteria are the sensors of the pulse. The sensors used in pulse all current models. There are several types of sensors for measuring heart rate. 1. Clips. Is a clip to the ear. The principle is quite simple robots, the LED shines through the earlobe, and Photodiode commits light, woven with the pulsation of blood. This type of measurement pulse is inaccurate, due to gradual changes in pulse arithmetic average is taken, and who like to be connected by wires from the machine. 2. Wireless sensors. They are attached to your body and send signals to the computer. 3. Sensors embedded in the handle bike. The most accurate and convenient way to determine your heart rate. You only need to hold the steering wheel. The most important criterion in choosing the bike performs computer. Computer. It is very important and valuable part bike. Size varies a computer that is not how many square centimeters to the size of a small TV. He main it features: 1. pulse-2. measuring calories burned 3. display of training time 4. Displays the current speed of 5. load control 6. opportunity to put a workout 7. opportunity to complete the exercise by burning some calories. 8. Fitness Assessment – determines the degree of recovery. At last. Do not drop the class, when the heat will be buying. Engage daily exercise and will become a habit. Do not allow yourself to relax.
Tags: sport