
Energy Consumption Food Gas

by HFCadmin ·

It is where you know the good pilot in the storm the greenhouse crisis is increasing concern with regard to their effects, that represents for humanity, appearance that Governments should not neglect if we want to ensure the non-wearing ambientas and avoid the negative effects that this can occur. In a letter in this regard made by William Austen Bradbury, on this subject and contributed by ecoportal. NET, there is relevant data that cannot be ignored by what it represents and on the warning that we must be attentive to a reality that is there, that you must take the necessary measures to avoid a catastrophe. Review, at the global level, the rate of energy consumption is estimated at 15 terawatt (TW), or 15 TJ (TJ) of energy each second (1 T = 1000000000000). If a conventional electric bulb consumes 60 W, this is the equivalent of 37 bulbs lit permanently by every person in the world. More than one quarter of this consumption is lost in the generation and transportation of energy.

About 86% of This energy is produced using fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal). The use of these fuels has increased nearly unchecked since the first oil drilling in the mid-nineteenth century. This growth contrasts with the decline occurred in the discovery of deposits since late 1970s. Fossil fuels are a source limited energy, exploited in the last decades of exponential mode, which accelerates its inevitable depletion. Be considered that predominant feeding system is highly dependent on energy consumption.

The energy consumed by agriculture itself is estimated at only 4 per cent of world energy consumption but, according to the Intergovernmental Panel of climate change, directly contributes to 11% of the total of greenhouse gases emitted, or 6. 1 Gt of carbon dioxide equivalent.

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