
Dieter Born

by HFCadmin ·

We are on the way back to the father’s House; We convert on the Rainbow Bridge. We are human figures, individuals who are to identify themselves. As souls, we are begotten from the fusion of spirit and matter. The energy of love from us as souls creates the healing power on Earth, with which we will overcome the duality, the feeling of separateness from God. As souls we do not know the separation that we experience the connection with all that is.

This in the connection means real healing being, free from disease and conflicts. The all-embracing love will lead us to recognize our real task as the soul in this life and live. Where can I find the answer, how do I contact to me as soul? like ask yourself now so many. The answers are varied, because each of us has his individual access to. The book talks in the light of the star child”gives guidance for the possible access paths, the path of equal groups service. We are absolutely aware of groups as a soul. We understand that no man save the world alone but we recognize that we are shoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded people capable of bringing our individual abilities and together can change this world in the direction of paradise on Earth, the Kingdom of souls, talents.

If this book supported a single people, the awareness of this possibility so it was written right and published, then it has served its purpose. “Back-cover text of the book: In a refreshing dialogue the StarChild and his soul marked by love and wisdom of God and the world talk”. You are in this case, purely hypothetically of course, overheard by a man at the celestial key hole. The reader is carried different themes such as reincarnation, karma, initiations, the essence of the soul, the second coming of Christ and others during this conversation. The intention is to open the consciousness of the individual oneness with God. This book is not dry, esoteric treatise, for where a soul acts, the Cosmic humor not away. “_ Book data: the StarChild speaks in the light of Klaus-Dieter Born spirit Rainbow publishing ISBN: 978-3-940700-05-6-188 pages / 15.50 _ short portrait spirit Rainbow publishing on the question: How did you do this, to set up a publishing house?” the author and Publisher Gudrun Anders smirks: as the Virgin to the child… “.” She worked in the year 2000 as a therapist in private practice and wanted to actually live with their Egyptian partner for a while in Sinai / Egypt. But the universe seemed to think it a little differently. Then a good friend you suggested, finally their own books as book on demand”to bring out. Said than done. Another friend worked on a Publisher website and the spirit Rainbow publishing was born. Suddenly, numerous contacts took place, the requests to bring books by unknown authors on the market became more frequent. Gudrun Anders himself embarked on it and suddenly was Publisher (or Book midwife”, as it has been dubbed recently by an author). Today, more than 175 titles of the spirit of Rainbow Publisher on the book market are available. The spirit Rainbow publishing in Aachen was the first esoteric BoD Verlag and everybody’s excited, whether Gudrun Anders once again comes to Sinai or Publisher remains rather with heart and love to the thing. We believe you will spend only your annual leave there…

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