
Clinical Hematology

by HFCadmin ·

It fits to stand out the importance of the prenatal one, therefore they are in these consultations that the patients are evaluated, mainly the nutricional state and the hematolgicos levels. Therefore already it is known that women in fertile age need about 1,4 mg iron to the day and for many times does not have access to a diet that supplies such element, then this comes of meeting the affirmation of that the women initiate the gestation with insufficient reserves of the mineral, they become what them more vulnerable one anmico picture (Martins et al., Dallman, 1991). 12. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. V. HOFFBRAND, P. H. MOSS, J.E.

PETTIT. Beddings in Hematology. 5 ed. Rio De Janeiro, Artmed, 2006. AURO DEL GIGLIO, RAFAEL KALIKS. Principles of Clinical Hematology. 1 ed. So Paulo: Manole, 2006.

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