Banking Systems
by HFCadmin ·
If this is done, then it may be that gather additionally state and is not necessary. It would be nice to conduct an audit before anyone was dismissed or hire, to look at the productivity of each employee, that is how he gives a result of his work, whether it works better, worse than others. And personal training "effective leader" who we are, greatly helps to see the irrationality of that person makes during their work. And incredibly raise the potential of each person not only work but also in his personal life. Celebrity trainer may also support this cause. As well as helping to change the fact that 20% of people make 80% of work. Click Daryl Katz to learn more. As a result of training, we find that 40% of people are doing 100% work, and the rest of the staff can be safely dismissed. Of course, business does not stop and disappeared from the job market again begin to appear.
Especially in I have a feeling that Russia is the crisis will affect the least. Probably from the fact that we have the banking credit system is not so developed. And we survive, correct use of their finances, that is, if you look at the bulk people, they do not live on credit, and only spend money that is earned. But this is the basic principle of financial policy: do not spend what you have not earned. And, in my opinion, it would be silly now greatly reduce staff, because crisis end sooner or later, and still need to recruit people. And that could take your business for a few years ago. Therefore, the reduction is something that I'd started to do last.
Is it always have to live by the principle: not squeezed costs and earn more. And if you come to a certain level, then down below it is impossible. You should try to always go up, and to do it right, it is necessary to know the laws of finance. Now the labor market may change Only through proper management of companies, a proper understanding of how to really engage staff how to use it. In Hubbard, is one expression that I really like: "Chief, this is the a person who is seeking what would it be done before the end. " And if each leader to do so, perhaps there would be no crisis, and there would be layoffs now. All that now need to do is register job descriptions, to calculate correctly, who, with what can handle. And enter the financial planning that will allow properly distribute the money in the company. Create a payroll that all employees knew how much they can earn. If the organization has earned a little money, respectively, they are little and get if a lot, and salary increase. And will such a way that the result of work the company will depend on salary personnel. With these tools, you can make it so that the crisis was the "opportunity" that could take the company to the next level, and to gather host exactly the personnel who will work effectively, and most importantly to love and understand their work.
Tags: hr consulting