Backbone Bibliography
by HFCadmin ·
English-German dictionary for lovers of orchids. In the bilingual reference book by Dr. Geerd Jurgens: Orchid bibliography / orchids bibliography are recorded until end 2011, sorted by keywords and divided the extensive publications of members of orchids Gesellschaft Kurpfalz e.V. Mannheim, including the numerous publications by Dr. Karlheinz SENGHAS. This bibliography is a complete literature composition of members the orchids-Gesellschaft Kurpfalz e.V..
For many orchid lovers, professionals and academics at home and abroad, the new book will be an often used reference. The bibliography to facilitate the work and research especially orchids scientists. The different registers are useful mainly to search for orchids genera, species, – subspecies,-Hybriden and companion plants. The definitions of botanical, maintenance terms (including physical and chemical terms) are useful and make Backbone of the extensively detailed breakdown. Mentioned hybrids of different species of orchids are extra. Tags are attached to the topic of climate the register of sites, locations, regions, countries and continents.
The register of authors, researchers, gardeners, breeders, nurseries, botanical gardens, exhibitions and exchanges, companies and clubs and that the literature mentioned in the text, including the laws focus more of the book. The register of the mentioned animals, of species and nature conservation, the fragrances in flowers, the philatelic including the other tags and the new and Umbeschreibungen are covered by captions. Brief curriculum vitae of the authors of Dr. Geerd Jackson after his agricultural studies in Berlin and his doctoral in casting worked in vineyards, orchards and forest in the country and abroad, developing and advisory Geerd Jurgens in the development and application of plant nutrition and nursing agricultural crops.
Tags: books & magazines, literature